Following the instructions here:
I am able to change the name of the author to display the guest blogger’s name.. However the author link still points to the registered user who posted the blog.
So now I’d like to do something similar with the author link. What I would like to do is for the author link to come from a URL that I will enter in a custom field. This allows the guest blogger name to link to their own profile page or even their own website.. Following a suggestion from this thread:, here’s the code I’m using..
add_filter( 'the_author_link', 'guest_author_link', 10, 3);
add_filter( 'get_the_author_link', 'guest_author_link', 10, 3);
function guest_author_link( $link, $author_id, $author_nicename ) {
global $post;
$url = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'guest-url', true );
if( $url )
$link = $url;
return $link;
This isn’t working and I could use some help..
]]>I have been running my WP site primarily as a informational blog about addiction help, but now, if possible, I’d like to turn it into an actual community. Some of the features I’m considering adding are:
1. A searchable database directory of treatment centers.
My thoughts are that this would be a pretty easy script to build in PHP. However, it would be great if there also was a way to provide the different treatment centers listed in the directory with their own individual login pages as well so they could then update their own data, photos, etc… Is there such a plugin available? If not, I suppose it would be possible to build a form page for data submission.
2. A user forum.
If anyone has a suggestion for a specific forum plugin, please let me know. I am also concerned about getting bogged down with having to manually remove comment spam and the need for excessive moderating. If anyone is actively running a WP based forum, please let me know your thoughts about the actual work involved.
3. A Q&A help section that would allow a guest expert to answer visitor submitted questions.
It sounds fairly straightforward. Users submit anonymous questions and there is a section where the expert answers them. Any thoughts on how to best accomplish this? Maybe in the forum itself?
4. I’d like to invite experts to guest blog.
I know WP has this feature built into it, but if there are any plugins that make it easier to manage the process, please let me know.
I’d also love to hear your suggestions for additional features if I haven’t already mentioned them.
]]>I run a tech news site called and am interested in getting some guest bloggers. If you are interested please contact me at [Email link removed]
]]>I don’t post here nearly enough, and I want to apologize if this question is not in the best forum category and I will rectify my error immediately!
I am not a very technical person. I cannot code for toffee, but I can play around with WordPress a bit, and it’s related software (buddypress etc).
Myself and a couple of friends have recently got together to launch a sport-based wordpress blog/buddypress community. We want the website to become a “news site” and in addition, a community website, where members can help create the news through their own blogging activities and comments.
Because there are only three of us working on this website at this time, we have contacted about 10 blog owners (wordpress bloggers) and asked permission to automatically post their blog posts on our site using the wp-o-matic plugin and rss feed. Fortunately, all of the bloggers have agreed!
Due to the blogger’s rss feed settings, our members and readers have to click off the site to read the content. This is not ideal, but it is not a big problem for us. What we would like however is an RSS feed that automatically posted blog posts from rss feeds, and at the same time, identified the blogger as different from our content.
So, for example, each blogger is blogging about their favorite sports team. We want to identify each blogger as belonging to a team, so when some one looks at the summary of the content, they know it is being posted by a “Manchester United” fan blogger.
I am not sure if I am describing that very well or making sense?
But any help would be appreciated!
]]>I was wondering if it is possible with wordpress, to setup additional authors and assign them certain categories, so that they access only these categories while the main admin and author accesses all.