In fact, I would like, like the basketball rules in Italy, to have a direct match as the first criteria, but subsequently also other criteria (this would be useful when three or more teams are tied)
Thank you`
Now here there is a standing without criteria, only Points and Head to Head, the standing is correct, but wihtout other criteria, the position number ranking doesn’t increase.
I have Settings -> Teams -> Tiebreaker set to “Head to Head”. As you can see from the league table, Fareham Black and Guildford Inferno are tied on 21 points. If you look at the results in the 2 games they played, Fareham won the first game 71-45 (3rd match) and Guildford won the second game 71-36 (2nd page, final match).
This gives Guildford the advantage as the overall points difference is +9 in their favour. I am assuming Head to Head works this way but Fareham are top of the league and they should be second with both matches taken into account.
I’m ordering by points correctly but the table is wrong.
Can you help please?
]]>1. Points
2. Head to head game
3. Goals difference
4. Goals forward
It is possible to insert Head to Head preference on second place? I cannot manage it on the page configure… I know about possibility H2H on Settings->Team->League Table->Tiebreaker, but priority is set firstly for configuration in Table Columns.
Please help!
Thanks in advance
]]>I’m using the sportpress basketball and I’m having trouble with the tiebraker! The league table is sorted by the points each team has but if there is a draw between two teams I would like to sort the table by the score of the game between these two teams.
For example if team 1 and team 2 have the same points and team 1 has won team 2 in the game between them, then team 1 must be on top of team 2.
I have set the tiebraker to head to head but it doesn’t sort the table correctly!
Thanks in advance
]]>Thank you for your great plugin. Yesterday I noticed the following:
In the league standing, the ordering is correct, but the nummbering is not displayed accordingly. Please see
Imho the position should have been 1 2 3 4, based on teams mutual result, and not 1 1 3 3.
Sort order is configured:
Manual (added it myself, but are all empty(-) in this case)
P (points)
DS (Goal difference)
DPV (goals for)
Head-to-Head (set in Configure->teams->Standings>
Is this expected behaviour or did I miss a setting somewhere?
Kind regards,
I’m hosting a german basketball website and have the problem, that the table works incorrect in one aspect: After win percentage the next grade shall be the head-to-head comparison. But I don’t find any tool to make this possible in the settings.
For example: Two teams have the same win percentage (.714). Team 1 has the better point difference, but Team 2 won both matches against the other team. In our league Team 2 would be in front, but in SportsPress it’s Team 1. There are more, more complicated cases, when even three teams have the same win percentage.
Can somebody help?
]]>I’m trying to see the possibility of linking the profiles of players Buddypress, be possible?
Francisco Menares