my site is
my headline images render properly on desktop, but they fill up about 15% of the headline image box on mobile.
I do not understand why this happens and I do not know how to go about fixing it. I haven’t been able to find anything by googling
Is there somewhere in the post editor that allows me to set and preview cover photos for mobile?
]]>But when I try to activate the plugin I get: Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Any ideas?
]]>Recently I switched to a newer plugin that works with newer WP versions for the same effect. The new plugin is TFT Titles. I highly recommend this. Get it here,
The documentation confused me but I finally got it working, hence this post. I thought this code might be helpful for other users. This is code to place the TFT Titles in your theme templates. This is the template tag for the plugin, surrounded by the recommended Conditional from the WP Codex, which lets your blog load even if this plugin is temporarily deactivated, a good safety feature that I recommend for all your plugin calls that you might place in your theme.
<?php if (function_exists('the_ttftitle')) { the_ttftitle($before="", $after="", $echo=true, $style="YOUR-TTF-STYLE-NAME-HERE"); } ?>
I used this code everywhere in my theme that used to have php the_title, or that used to have Coldforged’ plugin code.
I would like to suggest that the plugin author add something like the above code example, into the documentation, so that it can be more of a copy-paste for future users. There were just several minor things I had to change in the line of code compared to the given examples, such as adding the opening PHP, and the conditional, which might seem obvious but it’s tricky for a PHP novice.
Thanks again for this cool plugin.