(SIDE NOTE: which this forum topic (in progress) does NOT like when I try to add an IMAGE block, and insert a url (see above) of said image)
However, that’s not what it looks like anymore (and I just learned that this forum post pretends to allow you to copy/paste an image, but then doesn’t…)
Anyway, is this a “Feedback”-Forum thing? Is there a special place to send documentation update requests? I might be too new at this, but is there a “(wave) do you need help with your documentation page about Page/Post Settings?” place or email address? I know there’s a Get Involved link in the upper nav on the right, but it doesn’t have a Contact Us readily findable (I’ll admit I didn’t read the whole handbook- because it’s long).
]]>many thanks
]]>i’m an artiest i dont know much about programing, but what i know for sure that wordpress is a great invention and can do it all.
i’m looking to do a website something like, not that complicated it’s only about listing sick children who can’t afford medicine and hospitals, and also another page listing children who cant afford schools, no online payments involved. it’s not a scam thing to get money out of people.
it’s only to expose these problems, and let people who wants to help, contact the child directly with my help, my job will be only to collect data about these children who needs help and put it online and let the world now about them. and help them.
do anyone know how can i maybe achieve this with worldpress? is it a theme or a plugin?
anyone would like to help for getting this job started..
Thank you
I made a custom template for a page to query a certain category of posts but I want that certain page to be password protected. But the wordpress function of password protection seems to be working only on default template…
Any thoughts? Ty!
]]>Examples of what i am doing:
Adding Google Adsense Ads
Adding PayPal buttoms
Changing the language
Modify the Sidebar/footer at all
Modiy Main index (not at all, only if the theme you have is mine)
Adding boxxes
Adding Google Video/YouTube/Yahoo Video Videos
And more more.
Contact info:
MSN: dimisdask (at)hotmail (dot) com
Email: dimitrisdas (at) thegreekz (dot) .org
Site: /
Name: Dimis
I don’t want any money to help you. If you wanna helo just visit: and find Donate Buttom.