I would like to add a blog section on my home page but when I click on Page Personnaliser / Content / Add section, the field is empty.
I tried on different web browser : opera, safari and chrome.
Thanks in advance for your help !
I do have a “HomePage Section Area”, but there are no widgets called “Enrollment: Service Items”. There is however a widget called “CV: Service Items”, but if I add these to the Homepage Section Area, nothing happens….
Am I doing sth wrong?
]]>In the Widgets area, I can not longer is the Visibility options for respective Widgets.
Could you kindly point me to where the documentation is to enable this function again to that I can resave the original php files where needed.
Thank you.
]]>I need help with a number of small queries with the site I’m building. I have been trying to sort them myself via forums and articles but think I need some specific help.
I’m using Twenty Seventeen and have also installed Advanced Twenty Seventeen plug in so I have created a ‘child theme’ and have amended some CSS and Java via this plug in.
I have a utilised a scrolling front page and it is a very small site, only 5 pages so this works quite well for me.
The areas that I need help with:
* I would like the navigation to link to the ‘section’ within the home page. I have tried to implement the advice from this article but I can’t quite make it work – https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/twenty-seventeen-wordpress-theme/?utm_expid=3606929-101._J2UGKNuQ6e7Of8gblmOTA.0&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.co.uk%2F Need some help with that.
* I would like to remove the shading/gradient from the header and feature images on the scrolling home page. I did find some code that has removed it from the top header image. The code I’ve used:
.single-featured-image-header img {
/* display: block; */
/* margin: auto; */
height: 33vh;
object-fit: cover;
* Query re: appearance of feature images as they appear on the homepage section – I would like to decrease the height of these, I have managed to add this code and it is set the height I want but it only appears like this when you click through to the page (I want to disable this click through as per my query above re: navigation)
The code I’ve used is:
.single-featured-image-header img {
/* display: block; */
/* margin: auto; */
height: 33vh;
object-fit: cover;
Would like this scale to appear on the scroll down page too.
* I would like to address the spacing between the copy on the pages, there seems to be a large gap between my h3 and paragraphs. Not entirely sure where or how to amend this.
All help is appreciated and apologies if the answers are already in front of me. Just need a little hand holding to get it sorted
Thanks in advance
]]>I haven’t dug much into this in my CSS file and thought I would just post this here to see if I had much of a response. Has anyone changed the homepage section placements? For example, I want the About Us Section to fall to the bottom of the page and move the Services section below my slider. Anyone know a quick way to do this?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Loaded and have Yoast Breadcrumbs working on a premium theme site and have it working. However, I would like breadcrumbs to go back to a SECTION of the homepage a visitor started from, rather than the top of homepage.The homepage is an extended page with many sections. A visitor scrolls down the page and can click on something to get more info.
Right now, the breadcrumbs just go back to the top of the homepage. How can I modify the breadcrumbs so the trail will go back to the SECTION of homepage the user started on. I have found the IDs for each section, so do know their names. I just don’t know how to modify breadcrumbs with those IDs.
Thanks Much.