I’d like to use the WordPress APIs to create posts from a python programme running on my local machine.
I’m on the Premium plan on the hosted WordPress service. As far as I can tell, the APIs should be available to me on this plan.
I login to the hosted WordPress service using ‘sign in with Google’ – i.e. I don’t have a username and password to reuse for my API (it’s OAuth2.0 instead).
Some of the advice suggests that I can ‘create a user ‘Add a new user’ in the control panel, under the ‘Users’ menu – but this doesn’t work as it won’t associate or send a new user ID to my existing email address.
Other advice ponts to the Application Passwords: Integration Guide but this seems circular – in order to post to register an application password, I need to authenticate against the APIs – which I can’t do because I don’t have API credentials.
What am I missing here? Many thanks in anticipation – John
I know you cannot see that – however… if you goto my site at the public address:
I have my hosting company perform a stealth redirect to:
Which is my no-ip.com domain that updated my WAN IP because I do not have a static address.
So my scan of my site states:
Detected status of your setup.
You have the required PHP version to continue.
SSL certificate should be generated and installed.
The PHP function CURL has successfully been detected.
<strong>The Hosting Panel software was not recognized. Depending on your hosting provider, the generated certificate may need to be installed manually.</strong>
Alias domain check is not relevant for a subdomain
<strong>It is not possible to install Let's Encrypt on a subfolder configuration. For more information, please read this article
The last bold item I am not sure what that means. Whats steps do I need to take to secure the site?
]]>How do I transfer the ownership of the JetPack connection to the new owner of the site?
I originally developed the site and maintained it for 10 years, but the responsibility is now with some one else. I’ve discovered there a lot of connections over 10 years that need to be transfered but I can’t seem to figure out how to transfer the JetPack connection!
The site is hosted on GoDaddy – not WordPress.com – but I assume the new owner will need a WordPress.com account? And do I still need to be an administrator of the site or can I do the transfer if I’ve already reduced my access to the minimum?
]]>Note: Other pages like register works perfectly…
I found this problem very strange and would like that some one will help me please.