🥤 to & # 129380;
If you view text of the post you’ll see:
$contentString = apply_filters( ‘the_content’, get_the_content() );
I examine the $contentString and see ` but looking at the text after < code > tag in a text file I saved, it shows that something is hidden there. Probably an encoding issue.
How can I access the emoji after < code > tag and convert it to its HTML Entity?
I tried a regex search with unicode to no avail.
$pattern = '/< code >(\X+)<\\\/code>';
$result = preg_match($pattern, $contentString, $matches);
Thanks in advance!
]]>HTML entities are displayed incorrectly on my Site [redundant link redacted] you can see.
For example, we use € as €
shown. The problem occurs in the frontend and in the backend.
The following settings are set in wp-config:
define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);
Thank you for support
]]>When entering them (for example “</Test>” it is clearing the field. When using html entities the entity name is shown in the email.
]]>Since I’ve imported a blog from Blogger I’ve noticed that file names are not quite fine.
Let’s see this example:
BLOGGER: bizcocho%2Bmanzana%2B2.JPG
WP: bizcochomanzana2.jpg
What if “+” where replaced by spaces ?, then file name would be bizcocho-manzana-2.JPG and title bizcocho manzana 2
The same to any HTML entity %20, %21, … %2B, etc
By the way, “bizcocho de manzana” means “apple cake”
I believe there is an html_entity_decode() missing on the raw output. Can you please correct this in the next update. Thank you.
]]>You can check this screen:
It should look like this:
it’s html entity ■ (	 632;)
…thanks for tips
in the title. I noticed then that all my fonts in the back end turned to monospaced. Disabling the Post Edit Toolbar plugin (or removing the tags from the post title, of course) returns everything back to normal.
Also ‘works’ with <b>
or <i>
etc. in the title.
]]>How can I get it to display ‘C&C Training’?
]]>See this Youtube movie case:
Its title is: “FOTODEPILACION LáSER EN VALENCIA” with a tilde in “LáSER”
When placed in a WP page the A with a tilde is converted into an HTML entity and the plugin-generated code stops.
<!– Vixy YouTube Embed v3.2.1 –>
<div style=”width: 560px; max-width: 100%”>
<div class=”ye-container” itemprop=”video” itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/VideoObject”>
<meta itemprop=”name” content=”FOTODEPILACION LÃ
(that last line ought to finish with an Atilde; entity. This forum system is turning it into the corresponding character)
After that the rest of the page’s code follows, so breaking up. I don’t know if the tilde is the precise cause of the problem but it seems to happen consistently: