Screenshot example of an adjustment that might made:
]]><div class="rev-left-text">BEKIJK HIER DE FOTO'S VAN DEZE OPDRACHT:</div>
<div class="rev-right-img"><a href="" class="fancybox"><img src="" alt="" /></a> <a href="" class="fancybox"><img src="" alt="" /></a></div>
Has something changed in the plugin, and is there a way to restore the output as it used to be?
]]>I have two websites that are using Elementor (a lot more actually, but I’m working on updates those two at the time).
I updated a few days ago the two websites to version ^3.x on development environments.
Since the update, I noticed from the changelog (and the broken front end :D) that modifications were made to the Elementor generated HTML (mostly removing .elementor-row from generated HTML). I made the consequent CSS fixes and updated, then everything was fine.
The problem is that something like an hour after, I noticed that one of the two websites started back using the old injected HTML (I.E .elementor-row elements are back in the outputed HTML).
More infos :
– There is no cache (desactivated wp-fastest-cache)
– The other website shows no rollback to the old structure
– The two websites share same WP version, same theme, and something like 80% of plugins in common
Can you provite more info about the mechanic involved to migrate to the new HTML structure? Are there any migrations helper that force the old structure in some way?
Thanks and have a good day!
I’m using this plugin to display code blocks in my blog post.
My post already contains the code blocks with
tags but when I used this plugin it is not displaying the content . For example in my text view I have the content like this. It should display only the "Testing code" text. but it is displaying whole data like "<span style="color: yellow;">Testing code</span>" ex:<span style="color: yellow;">Testing code</span>
<span style="color: green;">Testing pre tag</span>.
Please provide me a solution how to fix this issue using this plugin.
That’s completely invalid HTML markup.
You end up with
[ all your code and content here]
Which for most people will result in:
<div style="text-align:left;">
<p>Under construction message</p>
<p>Be back when message</p>
Am I the only one to see this is a little wrong? Please fix.
]]>You are using heading tags for cosmetic styling, which means the maintenance page will break WCAG2 and WAI (accessibility) guidelines.
Can you please adjust the HTML markup used to display the maintenance message and headline so it is accurate in reflecting what is a real structural heading and what is body content.
If you apply a class to each and/or give us a font size selector in admin we can then make the text as big as needed.
]]>A. Have the editor copy existing content from the visual editor and then, paste it into the Content field while preserving the HTML formatting.
B. Make the shortcode editable from the Visual Editor after inserting, so as to enable use of the standard editor TinyMCE within the shortcodes. (Currently once the shortcodes are created, they are only editable from the pop-up dialog).
]]>I started to use SEO Ultimate. I also use Google Webmaster Tools. After some time of rescanning my website, the Google Webmaster Tools show me an error for “hentry (Markup:”.
It show me: missing HTML-Markup “updated” for all articles.
For example, the details according to Google from “”:
entry-title: Neufelder See: Schatzsuche 2012
fn: Andyt
Is this something missing in the plugin SEO Ultimate or is it a missing theme feature? I tried “Structured Data Testing Tool Structured Data Testing Tool” with a live test. I didn’t get any error message. Mean that, Google Webmaster Tools show me wrong (or outdated) information?
Please for help.
regards, Andreas Reisenhofer
]]>genesis_register_sidebar( array(
'id' => 'page-header',
'name' => __( 'Page Header', '$domain' ),
'description' => __( 'This is the page header of the homepage.', '$domain' ),
'before_title' => '<h1>',
'after_title' => '</h1>',
) );
this widget I created gives an html markup such as this below:
<div class="home-left widget-area">
<section id="text-19" class="widget widget_text">
<div class="widget-wrap">
<h4 class="widget-title widgettitle"></h4>
<div class="textwidget">
But what I want to achive is something like the code below:
genesis_register_sidebar( array
'id' => 'home-blog',
'name' => ‘Home - Blog',
'before_title' => '<h2>',
'after_title' => '</h2>',
) );
HTML mark up created the widget above:
`<div id=”blog” class=”section”>
<div class=”wrap”>
<div class=”copy clearfix”>
<div class=”one-half first”>
<section id=”text-5″ class=”widget widget_text”>
<div class=”widget-wrap”>
<h2>The Blog</h2>
<div class=”textwidget”>
<h6>Some text here</h6>
<div class=”one-half right”>
<a href=”/blog” class=”button”>Some text here</a>
<div class=”blog-posts clearfix”>
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<h2 class=”entry-title” itemprop=”headline” style=”height: 140px;”><a href=”” rel=”bookmark”>How to Create and Promote a Blog Post ‘Perfectly’ Every Time [Youpreneur Process Blueprint]</a></h2>
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<p>Important Note: The ‘Process Blueprint’ featured in this post is one of our monthly deliverables at These workflow process documents, along with other exclusive content, as well as our private (…) <a class=”more-link” href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Continue Reading</a>
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<h2 class=”entry-title” itemprop=”headline” style=”height: 140px;”><a href=”” rel=”bookmark”>The Importance of Bringing Your Community Together in Person [Youpreneur Chit-Chat]</a></h2>
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<p>Important Note: The ‘Chit-Chat’ video interview clip featured in this post is one of our monthly deliverables at These training videos, along with other exclusive content, as well as (…) <a class=”more-link” href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Continue Reading</a></p>
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<div class=”entry-content” itemprop=”text”><p>Important Note: The ‘Tropical Think Tank’ clip featured in this post is one of our deliverables at These live training videos, along with other exclusive content, as well as our private (…) <a class=”more-link” href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Continue Reading</a></p>
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You will notice that it adds a div class inside it such us <div class=”copy clearfix”> <div class=”one-half first”> <div class=”one-half right”> <div class=”blog-posts clearfix”> <header class=”entry-header”> etc.