I’ve been dealing with a nightmare of issues here related to using the CSS/JS minification and needing the query strings to function.
I found this thread which explains much of what is going on:
I’ve been encountering all of the same problems, and a few others as well. This is clearly NOT solved!
Here is what I am seeing:
1. If you enable HTTP2/push, you end up getting the files served twice. One file has the query string, and the other doesn’t. This actually prevents the query strings from working, and also kills the score in GTmetrix. When you turn the HTTP2/push off, this results in no query strings being on the files at all.
2. Turning off the Rewrite URL Structure actually allows the query strings to work, but this results in excessively long load times for some reason. I’ve seen load times as long as one minute when turning off this feature. This seems to be a problem unto itself.
3. Turning off the HTML minification also results in the query strings working again, but then you have to give up the HTML minification which isn’t good. I’ve also observed excessively long load times when turning this feature off.
I’m at the point here where I am about to give up on minification completely, which is unfortunate. I’ve put so much time into this already, and I really wanted to get it working properly. But after extensive testing of the various options and combinations you can use them in, it became apparent to me there are some serious bugs.
I’m bringing this to your attention again so it will maybe get fixed. The thread I mentioned above is from nearly a year ago. I think it’s time you figure this out.
Hope this helps!
~ Michael
]]>Is there some way how to insert the HTTP push header into .htaccess?
]]>One the sites that it’s not working on we’re getting this PHP notice below. Suspect it’s theme specific/related but no idea how to resolve it, any ideas?
Undefined index: http2_style_srcs
Unknown location