I have an Issue with this theme, since it keeps ignoring my ‘read more’-tags, in the way that of both existing posts only 56 words are shown on the homepage.
Since I have close-to-zero knowledge of html, I haven’t meddled with the html code, but only used the visual editor.
I have already stated the issue here, which led me to this place.
So, I love the appearance of the theme, and would be very glad for someone helping me with a way to fix this.
best regards and thanks in advance,
I’m using WP 4.6 with the Boston theme by famethemes.
Now my ‘read more’-tags are ignored, in the way that of both existing posts only 56 words are shown on the homepage.
I have close-to-zero knowledge of html, and have therefore not meddled with the html code, but only used the visual editor.
the things mentioned here don’t work, since they state that the ‘read more’ tag is working.
Am I right to guess that this behaviour is caused by the theme?
and if yes, how may it be fixed?
best regards and thanks in advance,
I have a problem with the “forget password email”.
I am not able to send it as HTML-Email. The welcome email can be send in HTML format but for any reason the “forget password email” does ignore the “Send email as” setting and always escapes all the html tags.
Does anybody face the same problem and has a solution for this?
Best regards
]]>We woke up this morning to find that the styling on our WPP plugin was default – and it is not following the post-html rules.
This has been working perfectly so far, wondering why this is now ignoring the content inside post-html?
[WPP order_by="views" range="weekly" stats_comments="0" limit=5 post_type=post thumbnail_width=46 thumbnail_height=46 excerpt_length=15 excerpt_by_words=1 wpp_start="<div id=fp_potgh>" wpp_end="</div>" post_html="<div id=fp_potgh_post><div id=fp_image_potgh>{thumb}</div><div id=fp_content_potgh><div id=fp_title_potgh><a href={url}>{text_title}</div></a><div id=fp_text_potgh>{summary}</div></div></div>"]
<li><a target="_self" title="TITLE" href="URL"><img width="46" height="46" border="0" class="wpp-thumbnail wpp_cached_thumb wpp_featured" alt="" src="IMAGE"></a> <a title="TITLE" href="URL">TITLE</a> </li>
* The titles, image src and urls have been replaced for demonstration purposes *
As you can see, this is following the default post-html set up on WPP:
$instance['markup']['post-html'] = empty ($new_instance['post-html']) ? '<li>{thumb} {title} {stats}</li>' : htmlspecialchars( $new_instance['post-html'], ENT_QUOTES );
Wondering why this is now not functioning correctly, and if you have a fix?
Nothing has been changed for this to happen, it was working fine and then next minute it was broken.
Not sure if any 3.8.1 behind the scenes updates took place to break this.
]]>The theme uses the Option Tree plugin, and the main customization of the front page happens by going to Theme Options. Here, you can select two modes. Either the giant images on top and bottom are pulled from posts, or you can manually make “slides” which contain the images in whatever order you’d like. Since this is a portfolio site, I find it sensible to only have one blog post per project being shown off, but this causes the main page to only show ONE image from that project, the first one. This is why I opted to make a manual slide setup, to showcase what I wanted on the front page, and not simply pull 1 image from each post (not enough posts yet either, tons of art though).
Here comes the issue. When you select the manual slide mode, it lets you add a slide, pick text, pick an image, and pick a destination link for the image. This link field is being COMPLETELY ignored. It only exists in this mode, so I know I’m not confusing it with another feature, it’s simply not being read. The theme is requiring I use the “file url” option in order to properly display the image, otherwise I get a broken thumbnail link. When everything does work, clicking on the images ignored the link field specifically made for this situation (it’s the next field, only exists when doing manual), and the url goes straight to the image url.
What I need is to be able to click on these images, and have them lead to the “link URL” field’s link. It’s currently being ignored, and that breaks the functionality of the site’s main page. I’m making this as a Christmas present to someone, so I really need a solution to this, or I’ll be spending a LOT of time manually making tons of posts just to display the art I need, which is messy, and just no good. I’ve been working all night and it’s 6:30AM, so I’m going to sleep now. Hopefully there’s a response or two I can use when I wake up in 8 hours, many many thanks for reading.
Here’s the website (currently left in links go to the wrong place mode).
]]>In my attempt to get “pretty permalinks” working, I’ve noticed an odd behavior. When I use the default format (?p=123), it works as I’d expect.
When I use any of the other pre-supplied formats, or a custom format, I get links that appear to be the page slugs from the heirarchy of pages leading to the page I navigate to.
I reviewed the codex page on permalinks and I think I’ve got all the bases covered there. (While there is no explicit FileInfo directive, it’s my understanding that the default is what I want here.)
File protection on the root WP directory is 755; on the .htaccess file within, 644.
So…any idea on how this particular form of permalink is finding its way into my site?
]]>//begin example
//end example
However wordpress is displaying it like this:
//begin example
//end example
When you view the comments through the admin panel, everything looks fine. I am having no problems with blog posts. I am only having problems with comments. Also, I can force a new line using the br html tag in the comments, but the users will not know this; nor should they have to. Why does wordpress remove new lines that have purposely been entered using the “enter” key?
I have looked at similar posts regarding this problem with no help.
Point me in the right direction please.
]]>i am having an issue with by WP install when I write or edit a news post. While I am typing in the “Visual” tab, everything looks good, there are line breaks and everything that I put in. In this example I will not even touch any of the buttons that would change styles, I am just typing text and pressing enter for a new line or 2.
When I switch to the “Code” tab, all of the line breaks are ignored and there is just a long string of text, all of the paragraphs are mashed together, and I have to go back to the Visual tab I have to go in and manually use the “Alignment” buttons on each paragraph just to get the paragraphs to have the proper breaks between them.
Even if I don’t switch to “Code” view and simply press publish, the same thing happens. All of the text appears as one long paragraph, all line breaks are ignored, and I have to go back and manually add everything to get the styling back.
How to I make WordPress automatically wrap paragraphs in the p tag OR how to I make WordPress automatically convert line breaks into the BR tags?