Thanks in advance!
[ No bumping please. ]
]]>First of all I believe this is great tool, and I would like to make it work on my site. Actually this is 2nd or 3rd time that I am going back to this plugin. I found it several months ago, and I am still on beginning. I think it has big potential I would like to use it on my site very much.
What I need?
I am trying to move my site (image gallery with about 20.000 high res images) to WordPress CMS and I need some tool to display as many as I can get relevant informations about image on post page. I wish to make something like this:
Every post will have only one image, and nothing else in its content box. I wish to pull all other info from post custom fields and MLA custom fields. I need tool to display image info: dimensions, size, image url, exif/itpc image data…
I wish to use theme’s files to display that info. But I do not know how to do that?
For example how to display value of some MLA custom field from single.php file, if it is possible?
Also if it is possible to create post custom field from MLA custom field that would be great? In that case I can call some custom field value on post page wherever I wish using standard wp/php functions?
In WordPress –> Settings –> Media Library Assistant –> Custom Fields
I created multiple new mapping rules, and I can see them on media –> Media Library Assistant. But how to display some of that values on post page with image on it?
If you have any suggestion, tip or question do not hesitate to ask.
Best regards.
]]>I’am building my page on WordPress 3.7.1 and I have problem with getting meta data (image title and description). I would like hook lightbox (jackbox) to my gallery so i must change some code in default gallery becouse. I must add to class=”jackbox” data-title=”$image title” and data-description=”$image_description”. I found function to add class=”jackbox”
function my_get_attachment_link($html) {
$postid = get_the_ID();
$html = str_replace('<a', '<a class="jackbox" data-group="info" data-title="'.$img_title.'"', $html);
return $html;
} add_filter('wp_get_attachment_link', 'my_get_attachment_link', 10, 1);
when i add class=”jackbox” i tried add data-title=”$img_title” but i cant generate image meta data.
Best Regards
I don’t need to import the actual images, which I can bulk upload anyway.
If CSV Importer can already import image data, how do I specify media, rather than posts, and how to I find out the field names?
]]>When I go to edit the image, it says Image data does not exist.
Is there a fix for this that I can’t find? Or a different way I can upload files?
]]>For some bizarre reason, images with a height greater than 650 pixels will not upload properly. I get the message “Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image.”
I have turned plugins off and saved all images as jpegs in Photoshop. Horizontal images and images with a height of less than 650 work perfectly.
I am totally puzzled so any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Every time I upload an image (thumbnail image) for my header area at:
The wp gallery gives me the message:
“Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image.”
I have to try uploading the image dozens and dozens of times before it will eventually work.
This error only occurs at certain size ratios for some reason. I can’t imagine where a problems like this could originate. I’ve been searching for a solution online for some time now, but still can’t come up with an answer.
Please let me know if you all know anything that may be able to help.
Should I downgrade to the last version of wp?
– Justin