I’m currently working on revising a site (not the one associated with this account) that uses a grid-style portfolio on one of the pages as a sort of sub-category menu. When you hover over a tile, a transparent gray overlay containing a short description appears over the tile.
While it technically functions fine, the actual link only technically exists on the text in the overlay. This is not very intuitive, in my opinion, because of the way the appearance changes when the cursor hovers.
Is there a way to edit this so that the entire tile becomes a hyperlink instead of the text in the center?
Thank yoU!
]]>Here is the page in question – https://greenplanetlivestock.com.au/gal/
And here is the code in my template –
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
while(have_rows(‘gallery’)): the_row();
?><div class=”sales-display”><?php
?><div class=”gallery-image”><?php
$image = get_sub_field(‘animal_photo’);
if($image): ?>
“><img src=”<?php echo $image[‘sizes’][‘bovine-gallery’]; ?>” width=”350″ height=”260″ alt=”Image of a Green Planet Livestock animal” />
<?php endif;
Does anyone have any thoughts on what I am doing wrong here?
]]>I am a photographer & I am trying to create a page for my clients where by clicking on an image takes them to their login page to enter their password protected gallery
I have inserted the image and attached a URL to it, however clicking on it gives me the following message:
?Image cannot be loaded. Make sure the path is correct and image exist.
I have tried numerous things but keep getting the same message
I have a gallery plugin activated called fancy gallery, I thought this may be conflicting as it seemsto be trying to open the image the way it does in my other galleries however when I ddeactivated it I still had the same problem
Hope someone can help
]]>Thanks again
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Simple…add a hyperlink to your in post images. I upload a image to my library and insert it into a post, then link it to any web address.
However everytime I publish or preview the post and try clicking on the image, the FLASH image viewer pops up like a picture is about to load in flash.
When I hover over the images the right hyperlink always displays in the lower left of my browser, but the hyperlink never goes.
Everything is correct, HTML…, this is not that hard, what is going on here?
PS due to the site being adult in nature I have sadly refrained to linking to it.
THanks in advance to any helpful replies.