When I added a PNG image to the media library, the permalink was generated as “www.website.com/image-name/”. Now these images appear in google search as separate webapges. So I have installed the plugin and tried to change the permalink to “www.website.com/image-name.png” – but it doesn’t help. Instead, I get “…com/?attachment_id”
Am I doing something wrong? Please help. Love your add-in.
]]><a href> .. </a>
around the image so it links to the permalink? Given that I cannot use php in the custom excerpt meta box?
If it were possible, the code in the excerpt box would be something like :
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><img src="my-image-url.jpg"></a>
Is there a work around for this?
]]>I’m creating a simple ‘photo’ blog using Pinboard theme, where each post will be in image and nothing more. The blog is is <www.somethingaboutparis.com>
My aim:
– have the posts appear and update on my blog home page automatically (which I have achieved)
– allow users to clear on the image and be taken to the actual post page to comment and share etc.
Currently, the image link takes users to the image file (i.e. the jpeg). I can only access the post by clicking on its title or permalink.
What I have tried to date:
– installed various plugins to try and link the image to the post page/permalink – all have failed;
– have updated <wp-admin/options> to ensure image_default_link_type reads ‘none’ or ‘post’;
– re-uploaded all my image files ensuring they are not linked to the image or attachment file.
Everything I have tried to date has failed. The image on my home screen continues to link to the .jpg file.
Grateful for fresh ideas and advice about how I can overcome this problem.
]]>i need some request here for the permalink, hope it acceptable for everyone..
consider to wordpress user that using post url on their image link, i wanna give suggestion to the future permalink algorithm.. just algorithm, not code.. lol.. ’cause i’m not well enough to do it
when i set permalink with html as the suffix, like this..
and then i click the attach under it that goes to..
so what the need is remove the suffix when attachment on focus, like..
even better if the permalink attachment followed by their own extension, as like showed below here..
haha, maybe i just dreaming to have an algorithm like that but if it could possible the it’s awesome..
I have this piece of code for my pagination links
<div class="left">
<?php next_posts_link('<img src="images/placeholder.png" />'); ?>
but now i want to use always the same image for the first item, and second and so on.
This is what i tried:
<a href="<?php the_permalink()('<img src="images/placeholder.png" />'); ?>"</a>
But for some reason it doesn’t work.
Hope someone can help me out.
]]>Currently we are having problem that, when the pictures attached on the front post page are clicked; they directly open up the the single image attached to it. So the question is, how can we prevent the single image from being load instead of pointing to load the whole post page or will act in the same manner when “Read More” tag are clicked.
To view the image in the particular image template, it need the image permalink. So the problem is i used to post the image by its original image url. It’s mean the code is like
“<“a href=”https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/image1.jpg”>><src=”https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/image.jpg” alt=”” width=”130″ height=”275″>, “
if i would like to use the image.php template i have to change the herf image url link to image permalink. Yes, i can manually change it, but the question is there are hundreds of image in my blog, it is take many time to make it complete.
So, is it anyway to redirect the image URL to image permalink automatically? Or, have any ideals to view the image in a specific template?