Column 1: image 1 and 4
Column 2: image 2
Column 3: image 3,5,6
What I need is to have image 5 be placed under image 2 in column 2.
Is there a way to do this? Size of images 1 & 5 are the same as are the images of 4 and 2.
I hope you can help me figure this out.
Thank you so much!!
]]>Hope this is posted in the correct section…
Trying to add an image to the global footer here but it pushes up against another image (and causes the social media icons to become messy) – however when attempting to add a space between the two images, the social media icons lose their styling altogether.
Please see below for my actions so far:
Managed to add the logo into the footer – couldn’t add it as a normal image so had to ‘code’ it in. It sits right next to the ISO logo – I had some trouble spacing them apart.
I tried a couple of spacers and they all caused the Social Media Buttons to lose their styling.
Here is the code I used to display the logo – ?
<img width="“107”" height="“90”" class="img-responsive" src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/cyber-essentials-badge-high-res-e1528129402475.png" />?
And here are the options I’ve tried for creating a space between the two images-
-?  -?<br> -?<p>
Have taken two screenshots to show the problem-
This is the first attempt – (with Cybe Essential logo pushed up against the Intertek logo – pushes social media icons out of place) –
This is the second attempt (when we tried to add a spacer and it worked but the social icons lose their styling) –
So, have currently deleted to preserve the Social media buttons from losing their place/styling.
Any help or advice is appreciated.
]]>Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.
]]>This is great plugin and so far i use this and dont have any problem.
i just want to ask about this warning.
Incorrect Placement for Element: The figure element (<figure>) is not supported within paragraph elements (<p>) and will be ignored when creating the Instant Article.
i know to fix this is by removing <p></p> element that wraping the <figure> manualy in fb IA control panel. but is there any way to correct it programmaticaly?