Necesito ayuda para aplicar un filtro por css mediante un atributo a una imagen, pero no al borde de la imagen, si no a la forma que incluye la imagen. No entiendo de código. Me han dicho que es con este código pero lo aplico y no veo los cambios: filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 8px #ed3eef). No me deja adjuntar las capturas de ejemplo que tengo.
Muchas gracias, un saludo
]]>Notice: Undefined index: variation_image_id in?/home/karlac/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-variation-swatches/includes/class-woo-variation-swatches-product-page.php?on line?734
]]>Hi, please can you help me:
I'm having problems with Gutentor:
1. In lists the right margin seems to be infinite.
2. The image widget still doesn't display the image well
Anyway, it's chaos, it doesn't work and until now I can't finish laying out a page?
It has something to do with the fact that it is installed in version 6.1.1 of WordPress, but it works on another site with the same version.
]]>But it may be usefull if there’s a way to add an image in some type of keys. For example:
– If is wished to sell an picture key instead to write it
– If is wished to sell an picture key and also the key typed.
This can be used in another escenarios like if we want to add the picture of the product beside the key, it will look better and the client will remember easyli what he bougth in past just by checking the license history. Like…
“Image – License – Status – Valid Until – Order info button”
I think is usefull for all the community.
Please consider to add this feature, this pluggin is awesome.
]]>Quisiera saber porque aquí y en todos los otros productos no logra visualizar imagen destacada de mi producto.