Uncaught ReferenceError: imagesLoaded is not defined kb-masonry-init.js:30
at Object.init (kb-masonry-init.js:30:5)
at kb-masonry-init.js:47:31
at kb-masonry-init.js:49:3`
why does this error occur?
just a note about imagesLoaded support issue: if you see
Uncaught ReferenceError: imagesLoaded is not defined
or similar, just get https://imagesloaded.desandro.com/ to your website.
Example of implementation (once you download and save https://unpkg.com/imagesloaded@4/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js to your theme/js/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js then add this to your functions.php
function add_imagesloaded_support_js_script() {
wp_register_script('imagesloaded_support_js_script', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js', array('jquery'),'1.1', true);
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_imagesloaded_support_js_script' );
Didn’t get to troubleshoot this all together (what exactly caused the issue, so only posting a quick fix over here if anyone else stumbles on this same thing).
]]>Uncaught TypeError: s.imagesLoaded is not a function
jQuery 2
initSliders https://teach4theheart.com/wp-content/plugins/strong-testimonials/public/js/controller.min.js?ver=2.51.4:1
jQuery 2
initSliders https://teach4theheart.com/wp-content/plugins/strong-testimonials/public/js/controller.min.js?ver=2.51.4:1
start https://teach4theheart.com/wp-content/plugins/strong-testimonials/public/js/controller.min.js?ver=2.51.4:1
init https://teach4theheart.com/wp-content/plugins/strong-testimonials/public/js/controller.min.js?ver=2.51.4:1
jQuery 8
jQuery 2
initSliders https://teach4theheart.com/wp-content/plugins/strong-testimonials/public/js/controller.min.js?ver=2.51.4:1
jQuery 2
initSliders https://teach4theheart.com/wp-content/plugins/strong-testimonials/public/js/controller.min.js?ver=2.51.4:1
start https://teach4theheart.com/wp-content/plugins/strong-testimonials/public/js/controller.min.js?ver=2.51.4:1
init https://teach4theheart.com/wp-content/plugins/strong-testimonials/public/js/controller.min.js?ver=2.51.4:1
jQuery 8
I have tried toggling all of the plugins to search for conflicts and have not been able to resolve the issue. Is there something else I can do to prevent the 3-column testimonials from randomly failing to display?
Thank you!!!
]]>Hopefully a quick one, I’ve installed the plugin and set up a gallery on the homepage for a site I’ve built but the images are greyed out and firebug is reporting js error “ImagesLoaded not defined”. The images open in a lightbox once clicked so the script itself seems to be running as expected but the error stops the masonry function from working as well. I’ve gone through and disabled and caching plugins I had installed just to check that there’s no obvious conflict.
Input will be greatly appreciated!
]]>It seems to affect the time of call for imagesLoaded so masonry messes up the layout. As soon as i deactivate WP Retina 2x everything works fine.
Amazing plugin and will keep looking at this issue myself and add more details as i find them.
]]>I’m experiencing overlapping when using the Masonry feature in the Infinite Scroll plugin.
I’ve entered the following code into the Callback field of the plugin settings page:
var $newElems = $( newElements ).css({ opacity: 0 });
$newElems.animate({ opacity: 1 });
$('#masonry-container').masonry( 'appended', $newElems, true );
And this is the code I use in my scripts.js file to initiate Masonry when the document has loaded:
function masonry(){
var $container = $('#masonry-container');
$container.imagesLoaded( function() {
itemSelector: '.box'
Lastly, here is a link to a page that shows where it is breaking:
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>var msnry;
itemSelector: ‘.masonry-item’,
columnWidth : 140
In the Infinite Scroll Setting Callback I have:
_callback_masonry: function infscr_callback_masonry (newElements) {
$(this).imagesLoaded( function(){
This should be fixed.
]]>How can I fix this?