I am encountering a problem with importing Elementor toolkit files without using Elementor’s “Tools” > “Import” feature. Is there a method available to integrate Elementor toolkit files with the one-click demo import plugin?
Method 1: I attempted to update the Elementor instance settings, but the data did not reflect the changes. I’ve attached a screenshot for reference:?https://prnt.sc/N1HDKozaq1Nr.
Method 2: I tried activating the kit using the update option method, but the changes were not reflected. Here’s a screenshot for reference:?https://prnt.sc/-azU_DnKWhZG.
Method 3: I also tried updating the kit data as a new entry in the database using the insert option method, but the changes didn’t show up.
Kindly let us know which method is suitable for importing Elementor kit data without the Elementor tool, or suggest some other method to implement this process.
]]>I am on a dedicated server and I have set all the following:
Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/knT3EkF
]]>pls have look and can anyone help me to resolve this – https://pasteboard.co/Oq8VEUWH64aY.png
]]>I have encountered problems, please see the following screenshot, I import this
]]>I have a problem with your plugin.
I have a ecommerce and I work a lot on my products exporting them as cvs. and working it on excel.
The problem is when I try import the prodcuts the personalized tabs of the product are erased.
I need to paste the same personalized tabs to my 800 prodcuts. So I can’t go one by one.
how can I copy and paste the same personalized tabs to all my products?
Location: Taxonomy
Type: custom taxonomy
Field name: Name, Slug (exported as is created by the plugin)