If it should still be available, how can we re-enable it please?
]]>WordPress 5.5.1
Ai1ec 2.6.7
Calendar page: https://www.pawpoint.org/calendar/
Feed: https://timelyapp.time.ly/api/calendars/54704352/export?format=xml&categories=677440692,677441466&timely_id=timely_0.012387549666105668
On the Import feed tab it says. You are importing 1 feed(s) out of 1. But I do not have any feeds imported ???
On the next tab – the My feeds it says My imported Feeds: followed by nothing. This is correct because I, as mentioned above, have no feeds.
What are you trying to tell me or what shall I do to import the feed I want?
Best regards
Judit Müller
This is going to be a problem because this means I will have to manually go into each product to update my second currency prices.
]]>This is going to be a problem because this means I will have to manually go into each product to update my second currency prices.
]]>I am still having trouble getting the import feed, it is not working and my settings page is not showing. I have uninstall and reinstalled the plugin, twice. I have tested the Import Feed on other child site in my Multi-site installation, and Import Feed works, settings page allows me to login.
I have checked my server log and below is the errors I recieved after the latest uninstall/reinstall attempt.
[16-Jan-2017 18:03:18 UTC] PHP Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/alcworld/public_html/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php on line 508
[16-Jan-2017 18:03:19 UTC] Created calendar: Created calendar. Please reload this page to try again. If this error persists, please contact us at [email protected]. In your report please include the information below.<br/>API URL: https://api.time.ly/api/calendars.<br/>Detail: 401 – Unauthorized. – raw error: Array
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[16-Jan-2017 18:04:53 UTC] PHP Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/alcworld/public_html/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php on line 508
[16-Jan-2017 18:04:54 UTC] Created calendar: Created calendar. Please reload this page to try again. If this error persists, please contact us at [email protected]. In your report please include the information below.<br/>API URL: https://api.time.ly/api/calendars.<br/>Detail: 401 - Unauthorized. - raw error: Array
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]]>This one does NOT work properly: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/0e2itup4uqgj2fh64hdnlna9kc%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
This one works fine:
I can’t figure out the difference.
Thanks for any help.
]]>This is my current understanding as of 2.5.12
As of Version 2.5.0 of the plugin, ICS feeds are now handled through the API. This means
When you configure an import feed URL in the AI1EC plugin, the plugin doesn’t import from that feed URL. It instead registers that feed URL with the API server which then parses the data and caches it at the endpoint https://api.time.ly/api/calendars/{user_id}/feeds/get/{calender_id}, all outside of your WP instance. Then, the hourly task, wp_cron (ai1ec_cron), polls that end point for updates.
If the API server has not fetched the updated information from the feed url that you registered in the plugin, nothing will be updated. The manual refresh button does not trigger an update on the API server, it simple fetches that last known information from the API. You must wait for the API server to fetch updated data. There is no way to tell the API server to fetch an update unless you add/remove the feed URL.
If the API stops updating its data, you must add/remove the feed to get it working again.