I am trying to move an existing site from a host to my own server.
I have already done this on the same server but this time it is not working for some reason that I do not understand.
I have created a new virtual server on my webmin/Virtualmin managed VPS, installed pgpmyadmin 5.2.1 and wordpress 6.2. I then exported the wordpress site to generate an XML text file. So far so good.
I then went to the admin pages of my new server (that is not a live domain) and tried to import the file. I chose to install the WordPress Importer and it quickly stopped and gave this message:
Installation failed: <!DOCTYPE HTML> Login to Webmin document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function(event) {var a=document.querySelectorAll(‘input[type=”password”]’);i=0; for(length=a.length;i<length;i++){var b=document.createElement(“span”),d=30<a[i].offsetHeight?1:0;b.classList.add(“input_warning_caps”);b.setAttribute(“title”,”Caps Lock”);d&&b.classList.add(“large”);a[i].classList.add(“use_input_warning_caps”);a[i].parentNode.insertBefore(b,a[i].nextSibling);a[i].addEventListener(“blur”,function(){this.nextSibling.classList.remove(“visible”)});a[i].addEventListener(“keydown”,function(c){“function”===typeof c.getModifierState&&((state=20===c.keyCode?!c.getModifierState(“CapsLock”): c.getModifierState(“CapsLock”))?this.nextSibling.classList.add(“visible”):this.nextSibling.classList.remove(“visible”))})};});function spinner() {var x = document.querySelector(‘button i.fa-sign-in:not(.invisible)’) || document.querySelector(‘button i.fa-qrcode:not(.invisible)’),s = ”;if(x){x.classList.add(“invisible”); x.insertAdjacentHTML(‘afterend’, s);x.parentNode.classList.add(“disabled”);x.parentNode.disabled=true}}setTimeout(function(){if(navigator&&navigator.oscpu){var t=navigator.oscpu,i=document.querySelector(“html”),e=”data-platform”;t.indexOf(“Linux”)>-1?i.setAttribute(e,”linux”):t.indexOf(“Windows”)>-1&&i.setAttribute(e,”windows”)}}); 404File not found — /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
No idea what it refers to or why it is not working so would appreciate any help to get it working please.
]]>Here’s the Screenshot of my dashboard message. https://s21.postimg.org/fjl7gubd3/Untitled.png
]]>I clicked the import button and then clicked on import. This happened about more than 5 months ago! And since then the import screen is only showing a status that the content is being imported and I should contact support if the import hasn’t been completed within 24 hours.
Here’s the text that’s being displayed on the import page in wp-admin…
Import WordPress
We're processing your import now and will send you an email when it's all done. If you don't hear from us within 24 hours, please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed.
Please could someone provide support on how to stop this import?
The blog to be imported was only about 4-5 blog posts. It should have completed within 30 seconds on a normal XAMPP setup!
Thanks for any help.
I left it for 12 hours and came back and it still has to importing message. It said to contact support if it didn’t upload so I clicked on the link which brought me away from the importing page. Since I did that, when I went back a page it now asks me to import the file again. I don’t want to start over and mess anything up.
And when I go to the temp url that the agent gave me for my hosted site, it’s not the way my site should look and all it has is “The Hungry New Yorker” (which is my site) and “Hello, world!” as if it’s a brand new site.
Not sure what to do. I’d like someone from wordpress to contact me because it says that they can get it fixed if I contact them. However….there is no way to contact them
]]>I read my data from my template in order to get the description of the featured image.
Like underneath. Works perfect but saw that wordpress or ngg don’t handover the description data nicely. Ads lowercase and replaces whitespace with dashes… – etc.
Any one experiences with this?
function the_post_thumbnail_description() {
global $post;
$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID);
$thumbnail_image = get_posts(array(‘p’ => $thumbnail_id, ‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’));
if ($thumbnail_image && isset($thumbnail_image[0])) {
echo ”.$thumbnail_image[0]->post_content.”;
]]>or this import export will fix it?