(Nothing there at the moment, however.)
I exported all of the HubSpot platform blog content consisting of HTML code for each blog, as well as all of the images.
1. Can someone suggest a process or sequence to import this data into my WordPress site?
2. Is it possible to retain the original blog dates and posting sequence? Or will the dates get overwritten during upload?
3. I will need to edit the blog links after import, given that all of the links are now obsolete. Presumably I can just do that from the edit menu after the import has been completed.
3. Any other questions or issues I should be aware of, but am not asking now?
]]>I have just set up my www.ads-software.com site after running a WordPress.com site for the past four months, redirected the domain to Bluehost, and appear to be fully operational on the new site. I have exported the content from my original WordPress.com site, downloaded the WordPress importer, and imported the content from the .com site to the .org.
Problem: I can’t seem to view any of the imports. Would someone kindly advise me of how I can activate the imported content?
The site I am referring to is satinandsnowflakes.com
]]>I’m very new to WordPress and am not experienced at web design, so please be tolerant!
I’d like to know whether it’s possible to import two separate blogs from Blogger onto two separate pages of my WordPress site. I already have a static frontpage but would like two more pages, each with separate blog content. Is this possible?
I’m afraid I already experimented with seeing if I could do this… both blogs imported to the same page so I deleted all the posts. I’m regretting doing this now, as I’ve tried to re-import one of the blogs and am having trouble. Even after resetting my account info in the import tool, nothing happens when I try to re-import the blog.
Any advice gratefully received
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I can always copy and paste them all by hand as there aren’t too many, but if I could import that would be great!