I’m using a post-grid block to display content of a particular type. I’m really happy with it but have hit an issue.
I want to display the 6 latest posts in the category ‘news’. This works fine.
But then I want to include a particular post of importance, so I add its post id into the ‘include post’ field. What I expect to happen is it then forces that post to be included whether it’s one of the latest 6 or not, and the other 5 are the latest 5 posts.
What actually happens is that it displays ONLY that one post and nothing else.
Is this the intended behaviour? It doesn’t make sense to me.
1.I want to include page/post into custom tab, is this possible?
]]>Thanks for the wonderful plugin.
I’m trying to make the plugin show up in specific category and posts in that category, no where else. Because these posts also appear on the frontpage of the wordpress site, I need some way to exclude the plugin from appearing there.
I’m sure it’s something relatively simple like a new condition in the plugin settings, but as I’m no programmer this problem has me baffled.
]]>[catlist id=187,-196 orderby=title numberposts=-1 order=ASC]
I am including category 187, excluding category 196 but there is one post in category 196 which I do want to include. I guess I am looking for the opposite of the parameter excludepost. Thanks