Please help with updating, this very useful plugin for many websites that currently use it.
]]>define( 'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED', true );
Since the new plugin 2.0 is configured for using WP Gutenberg Blocks, it’s not compatible with Elementor or Elementor Pro at the moment, without using additional plugins.
]]>Version 6.6.1
Site Language en_US
User Language en_US
Timezone America/Chicago
Home URL
Site URL
Permalink structure /%category%/%postname%/
Is this site using HTTPS? Yes
Is this a multisite? No
Can anyone register on this site? No
Is this site discouraging search engines? No
Default comment status Open
Environment type production
User count 3
Communication with is reachable
“This plugin is incompatible with the enabled WooCommerce feature ‘High-Performance order storage’, it shouldn’t be activated. “