Estando en Páginas individuales > Páginas, me aparece el listado. Tengo 177 páginas publicadas y el sistema me lo pagina en 30 por página. Esto sería una paginación de 5,9 páginas, el sistema marca que son 6, hasta aquí todo correcto.
Sin embargo, el listado no solo está mostrando las entradas publicadas (177) sino que también muestra entradas en borrador (7) y privadas (8), lo que hace un total de 192 páginas que queda cortado con la paginación de 6. Si le pones manualmente ver la página 7 salen el resto de páginas que quedaban “ocultas”. Supongo se debe corregir modificando el cálculo del total para el páginado
Felicidades por el plugin, de momento lo he revisado poco pero parece muy potente, gracias por compartir tu trabajo.
]]>To set this up I have custom code in my template ie: is_user_logged_in() then show embed code.
I would like the page to be shown to all ages and the gate only shown when someone is logged in and the age has been set on that particular.
Could I do this by adding a hook or scrip with my video embed code to pull up the gateway if the person is logged in and the age has been set?
Any help appreciated!
]]>how do I show different header images for individual pages?
I’ve tried uploading images as Featured Images but they aren’t overriding the Header Image?
Perhaps it’s not possible, in which case I’ll go down another route, but I wanted to check, because I’ve somehow succeeded in doing this for one page which has a different image replacing the main header, but although I’ve searched through the various settings I’ve used I can’t now work out how I achieved it (Sorry!)
Any suggestions gratefully accepted.
]]>I’m currently using the plugin Header & Footer and I figured out how to add snippets globally but can’t seem to figure out how to add pixels (conversion pixels) to 1 single individual page. Is this possible using this plugin?
]]>Any chance there is an update coming with some more functionality? Or… Any way I can add some code to turn it off on individual pages?
]]>Can you add a checkbox on every page that says Disable Comments Evolved?
]]>I created a page for forms and it has linked to the form box on the right, could I do something similar for the hours and location, or do I need to upgrade?
I know that was redundant question.
Another question:
Is it possible to change the background (adding image or color) on individual pages without effecting other pages?