My site is
<In the Home Page>
How can I display pictures in the Home Blog?
How can I make that bar with the “[email protected] October 7, 2016 0” disappear?
<Inside the Blog Post>
How can I make the date disappear?
How can I put the post in full-widht?
Many thanks!
]]>Thank you!
]]>1 – Take off the two circles at the Slider part that shows how many sliders the page actualy have.
2 – Change the “Footer Widget Area” color from #34495e to an URL image or to #848484 color.
3 – Change the icons on “Our Service” session to other icons or other images.
4Increase the quantity of services in “Our Service” session, from three to six.
5 – In this website “” they put various links in the description of “Our Services” session, how can I do the same?
6 – Remove the rotation effect of the photos in the “Portfolio” session, as well as remove the buttons on top the photos, keeping only the hover.
7 – Decrease the height padding on the Menu area and increase lenght padding at the same place.
Thank you!
PS: Using Inferno child theme.
]]>Ive managed to change the pages and the menu to black on white however the header and the footer are an orange colour! see here
the code I have in the CSS editor is
#content-area {background-color: #000;}.navbar-default .navbar-nav .active a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .active a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .active a:focus, .dropdown-menu .active a {
background-color: black !important;
.navbar-default .navbar-nav .open a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open a:focus {
background-color: black !important;
.navbar-default .navbar-nav li a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav li a:focus {
background-color: black !important;
.dropdown-menu {
background-color: black !important;
however as you can see the colour is not changing.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
]]>Thanks in advance!
]]>I insert the url
But as I save and refresh it automatically removes the % symbol which renders the link useless.
It does this with each portfolio link.
How do I resolve this?
I’m using the inferno-mf 1.2 theme for my site ( and I enjoy it a lot, but I don’t like the plain text header. I’ve downloaded a Dynamic Header plugin and I’ve sort of managed to figure out how to make it work to put my images in the header in lieu of plain text.
However, I’m having two problems: first, I don’t know what exactly are the dimensions of the main text box in the theme. I would like to create images that are that same width, but I don’t know how to figure out exactly what that width is. Second, I’d like to use images that are larger than the small rectangular space that is the current header. Is it possible to tinker with the code to make, say, the vertical allowance of that header larger, so I can put a larger image in it?
Here is the header code for the theme, it if helps:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
<head profile="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?>" />
<title><?php wp_title('«', true, 'right'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> RSS Feed" href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> Atom Feed" href="<?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>" />
<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?>" />
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
// Checks to see whether it needs a sidebar or not
if ( !empty($withcomments) && !is_single() ) {
<?php /*?> #page { background: url("<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/kubrickbg-<?php bloginfo('text_direction'); ?>.jpg") repeat-y top; border: none; }<?php */?>
<?php } else { // No sidebar ?>
<?php /*?> #page { background: url("<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/kubrickbgwide.jpg") repeat-y top; border: none; }<?php */?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( is_singular() ) wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); ?>
<?php wp_head(); ?>
<div id="page">
<div id="header">
<div id="headerimg">
<h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
<div class="description"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></div>
<hr />
Any help would be greatly appreciated.