]]>Page caching seems not working for both dynamic and static pages.
Error on dynamic page (https://chatt.hr): Seem that your website is not behind Cloudflare. If you have recently enabled the cache or it is your first test, wait about 30 seconds and try again because the changes take a few seconds for Cloudflare to propagate them on the web. If the error persists, request support for a detailed check.
Error on static resource (https://chatt.hr/wp-content/plugins/wp-cloudflare-page-
cache/assets/testcache.html): Seem that your website is not behind Cloudflare. If you have recently enabled the cache or it is your first test, wait about 30 seconds and try again because the changes take a few seconds for Cloudflare to propagate them on the web. If the error persists, request support for a detailed check.
Please check if the page caching is working by yourself by surfing the website in incognito mode ’cause sometimes Cloudflare bypass the cache for cURL requests. Reload a page two or three times. If you see the response header cf-cache-status: HIT, the page caching is working well.
For a beginner, this is incredibly difficult. The only video tutorials refer to specific settings or short codes.
One support reply mentioned an automatically generated walkthrough that can be reinitialized after first install, but I never saw that and it doesn’t appear anywhere.
How do I add questions and answers to my FAQ? This is the simplest and most obvious starting point, and it isn’t explained in any of the documentation.
]]>So I wanted to start again from scratch, cancelled the two plans and deinstalled the Plugin. So here is my problem: I now have two cancelled plans that seem to count towards my 2 plan maximum, so I cannot get a new subscription plan.
When I install the Plugin again (it was completely deleted, not just deactivated), it still knows that it is connected to this account I messed up with the two cancelled plans. I didn′t find any way to connect it to a new account.
I have also tried to undo the cancellation of one of the free plans on the MailPoet website, but this doesn′t work either. I also didn′t find a way of closing my account wih MailPoet or anything of the sort.
Does anyone have a good idea what to do? I am incredibly frustrated and just want to undo everything and start again.
Thank you so much for your help!
]]>I predominantly use WordPress through the Graphical User Interface. I have purchased two domains and have them hosted on the same service. I’m using GoDaddy.
I read this thread (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/help-needed-with-multiple-domain/) in the Support topics and turned off forwarding SITE-2.com to SITE-1.com in my GoDaddy hosting service.
Under the General Setting on the Word Press GUI this is what I see:
General Settings
WordPress Address (URL) https://site-1.com
Site Address (URL) https://site-1.com
Enter the address here if you want your site home page to be different from your WordPress installation directory.
Multiple Domain
You can use multiple domains in your WordPress defining them below. It’s possible to limit the access for each domain to a base URL.
Auto site-1.com/base/path None Remove
Auto site-2.com/base/path None Remove
[CHECKED] Ignore default ports
[NOT CHECKED] Add canonical links
Currently when I go to https://site-2.com it shows the URL as available for purchase with no website currently at this location. I am running WordPress 5.6.2 and I have the latest version of the Multiple Domain plugin.
Any ideas what to try next. Is there some other setting I have missed.
]]>At the moment, though, I’m having trouble getting off the ground: I’m getting ‘Error in upload form: Invalid identifier “example” in shortcode, although the “Classic” block properly shows EZW Shortcodes including the Example Competition Form (clicking it give the identifier “example”). The Console shows
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://img1.wsimg.com/tcc/tcc_l.combined.1.0.6.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
img.secureserver.net/t/1/tl/event?cts=1604962746406&tce=1604962745494&tcs=1604962745494&tdc=1604962746203&tdclee=1604962746019&tdcles=1604962746002&tdi=1604962746002&tdl=1604962745554&tdle=1604962745494&tdls=1604962745494&tfs=1604962745494&tns=1604962745492&trqs=1604962745525&tre=1604962745532&trps=1604962745526&tles=1604962746203&tlee=1604962746234&nt=2&ht=perf&dh=flatironsphotoclub.org&dr=https%3A%2F%2Fflatironsphotoclub.org%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit.php%3Fs%26post_status%3Dall%26post_type%3Dpage%26action%3D-1%26m%3D202011%26filter_action%3DFilter%26paged%3D1%26action2%3D-1&ua=Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0%3B%20Win64%3B%20x64)%20AppleWebKit%2F537.36%20(KHTML%2C%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome%2F86.0.4240.183%20Safari%2F537.36&vci=1610872460&cv=1.0.6&z=205388513&vg=240efb7f-2917-428e-ad4b-041fa3c307dd&vtg=237b732d-3161-4bc8-9ca4-06d1df6b3b75&ap=wpaas&trfd=%7B%22cts%22%3A1604962746001%2C%22tccl.baseHost%22%3A%22secureserver.net%22%2C%22ap%22%3A%22wpaas%22%2C%22server%22%3A%22p3nlwpweb251.prod.phx3.secureserver.net%22%2C%22xid%22%3A%222859061%22%2C%22wp%22%3A%225.5.3%22%2C%22php%22%3A%227.3.12%22%2C%22loggedin%22%3A%221%22%2C%22cdn%22%3A%221%22%2C%22builder%22%3A%22wp-block-editor%22%2C%22theme%22%3A%22twentytwelve%22%7D&dp=%2Fentrywizard-example:1 GET https://img.secureserver.net/t/1/tl/event?cts=1604962746406&tce=1604962745494&tcs=1604962745494&tdc=1604962746203&tdclee=1604962746019&tdcles=1604962746002&tdi=1604962746002&tdl=1604962745554&tdle=1604962745494&tdls=1604962745494&tfs=1604962745494&tns=1604962745492&trqs=1604962745525&tre=1604962745532&trps=1604962745526&tles=1604962746203&tlee=1604962746234&nt=2&ht=perf&dh=flatironsphotoclub.org&dr=https%3A%2F%2Fflatironsphotoclub.org%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit.php%3Fs%26post_status%3Dall%26post_type%3Dpage%26action%3D-1%26m%3D202011%26filter_action%3DFilter%26paged%3D1%26action2%3D-1&ua=Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0%3B%20Win64%3B%20x64)%20AppleWebKit%2F537.36%20(KHTML%2C%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome%2F86.0.4240.183%20Safari%2F537.36&vci=1610872460&cv=1.0.6&z=205388513&vg=240efb7f-2917-428e-ad4b-041fa3c307dd&vtg=237b732d-3161-4bc8-9ca4-06d1df6b3b75&ap=wpaas&trfd=%7B%22cts%22%3A1604962746001%2C%22tccl.baseHost%22%3A%22secureserver.net%22%2C%22ap%22%3A%22wpaas%22%2C%22server%22%3A%22p3nlwpweb251.prod.phx3.secureserver.net%22%2C%22xid%22%3A%222859061%22%2C%22wp%22%3A%225.5.3%22%2C%22php%22%3A%227.3.12%22%2C%22loggedin%22%3A%221%22%2C%22cdn%22%3A%221%22%2C%22builder%22%3A%22wp-block-editor%22%2C%22theme%22%3A%22twentytwelve%22%7D&dp=%2Fentrywizard-example net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
Also, our WordPress site has only a few users (primarily the Admin). I’d like to minimize the number of users we need to add initially. Do I understand correctly that we could set up a standard ‘upload’ user which could be used by multiple users to upload their competition images? I know that we’ll wand to add individual user accounts for each competition judge. Any issues I need to look out for?
]]>I am new to WP. I see different themes with different design and the best way to preview them is their demo. I always thought on installing and activating the theme it will start looking its demo, with default content.
But after trying many such themes, I have learned its not so. The basic bg, menu, etc might change but it never ends of looking like its Demo. With some I have managed to extend the recommended plugins and get the design, but thats only a handful.
What I am confused about is how to get the theme to look like its Demo after activation with default content? Are there are some generic steps, if not why don’t theme creators provide the documentation for the same? Besides if on activating a theme if I can’t have it look like design placeholder, that it projects in its Demo, and I have to configure things manually, then all themes are only as good as the default Twenty series.
Some insight/generic steps to setup will help.
]]>I have just installed the theme on my multisite. I wuld like to do the initial setup and config and compare ot the demo version to see everything is working.
But I am stuck at the first step as I can’t find no documentation for the theme. Kindly suggest.
]]>I have installed and configured the theme successfully. I have also installed the suggested pslugins as mentioned in the documentation here , including Contact Form 7.
1. Now when I click on Enroll Now , it does not show anything. See
2. Book Now is not working. There is nothing mentioned in the documentation to get the same working. How can I get the same to work.
I don’t see support threads in this forum , other than one. Is there any other forum for the FREE version of the theme? If so, kindly share the link.
]]>I have installed and activated the Free version of the Blossom Spa theme. This is what I saw in the DEMO . But I don’t see any of it after the installation. Hence I started looking up the – Documentation
It seems that everything needs to be configured, which is ok and it is good documentation. It brings me to few queries:
1. My services are classes. I looked up as to how to add services – Screenshot . I don’t see anything that matches the demo or anything that corresponds to a service, what needs to be added here.
2. The menu currently has only the Home Page – Screenshot.If I add services will the page and sub pages for each service start showing in the Menu.