I have an issue with my posts page: https://anglickyzarok.cz/novinky-blog/
1) I added “insert more tag” to my post and when I click on “read more” nothing change. Can you please tell me why I don’t see the rest of the post?
2) I would like also ask you if it is possible to change the label of “read more” to czech translatation. How can I do that?
3) My last question is if you can tell me if it is possible to change label from” older posts” to czech translatation and how to do that or if it is possible to change it to selection of pages (for eg. 1,2,3,4,5 …) not just older and newer posts.
If you can answer me at least one question I will be very grateful!
Thank you for your help and you time.
Kind regards.
]]>Within the post visual editor (blaskan theme) I am attempting to add an ‘inert more’ tage but when I post it doesn’t seem to be activating…Any simple fixes would be much appreciated to a newbie – really frustrating.
]]>Disabling either plugin returns functionality, but when both are run together, the only way to access the “Insert More Tag” is to switch to Text (HTML) mode.
Not sure if this is a Black Studio issue or a SiteOrigin issue (They recommended your plugin.)
]]>im trying to get the insert more tag to be applied to posts on a specfic page but when I add the tag nothing happens.
after some research I have to put this piece of code into a page on the editor, the only problem is that im not sure what page it should go on.
global $more;
$more = 0;
//The code must be inserted ahead of the call the_content, but AFTER the_post()
<?php the_content('Continue Reading'); ?>
[Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]
I am using the bootstrap template
Thanks for any help
]]>On the index.php page the Continue Reading link appears exactly where I expect it to…which is at the end of the summary text of each blog post. However, when I click on one of the Archives widget links to see a summary of posts for a given month, not all of the blog posts shows the Continue Reading link. This is bizarre, because the very same posts that show the Continue Reading link on the index.php page are missing the link in Archives view. Any tips on how to resolve this? Thanks.
]]>I can use some help with this , iam kinda noob with this.
my insert more tag isnn`t working anymore , my old posts witht that tag are working but when i put a new post with the tag you can see the whole text ..
i can use some help here please
I updated my blog at 3.2.1 and “read more” doesn’t work well. Before 3.2.1 everything works just fine. Now, in RSS or some facebook plugin (share a post to facebook page) and in some cases/themes in feature scroller “read more” doesn`t work. Pls help.
Thank you
]]>I’ve been using it in the following way: I write some text, add a picture, then I put in the “Insert More” tag. At that point I keep on going on the same page, below the Insert More tag, with more text and/or more pictures. My assumption is that the tag acts kind of like a page break in Word…that the input before the tag shows up on the main post page and then when the link is clicked the reader is taken to the entire post on a different page.
Is that how this is supposed to be used? If so, it doesn’t always work correctly…and I have to do some more testing to figure out how to explain what’s not working right. (that will be for a different post…) In the meantime, I’m just checking in with all you forum experts to see if I’ve got the first part right! If I don’t, I’d really appreciate a brief explanation of what the Insert More tag is supposed to do and how to use it.
Thanks in advance for any/all help.