Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_json_encode() in /homepages/4/d148970593/htdocs/tradebrokersdiaries/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 668
can someone advise me how i can correct this, thanks
M Bey
[email redacted]
I have ordered a Ubuntu VPS hosting account and successfully create subdomains using putty. Now, i can go to the homepage https://howhubs.com (It automatically open the index.html file). I put the phpinfo.php and see that php is running normally. Here is the file the contain the information about the running processes in my server.
I see mysql and php is running normally, but i cannot install WP when i go to https://howhubs.com/wp-admin/install.php
I feel very depressed with this problem. Could anyone here please help me with this?
Thank you in advance!
]]>Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user ‘dymekk’@’localhost’ (using password: YES) in/tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1329663807.5238uGh3MZXCVu on line1719
Access denied for user ‘dymekk’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)
Please what should I do? Help me?
]]>I already have a wp blog in the root of my Godaddy hosting account.
I’m trying to install another new wp blog in the same Godaddy hosting account.
I have created a database and uploaded all the core files through ftp.
After running install it gives me the below error:
“The page isn’t redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.”
When I contacted Godaddy support, they replied:
“Please note that we are unable to support third party application issues and we do not support the inner functionality of this program. If you are having difficulty using a third party product. You may wish to consult with a community forum online.”
I Replied to Godaddy support:
“To test the situation,
I have completely deleted my manual installation files in the directory,
And installed using “GoDaddy Hosting Connection > My Applications”
It gave the following result:
“Server Error: A general server error has occurred.”
So, The issue is not with the third party application “wordpress”.
Godaddy Support Replied:
“The error message you are getting generally has to do with a .htaccess file. You need to try accessing your website while either renaming or removing the .htaccess file. If the site works while you’ve done that, then there is something in the .htaccess file causing the problem and you will need to correct the coding within the file. If you are continuing to get the error even after removing or renaming, let us know so we can further investigate this issue.”
I seriously don’t know what to change in the .htaccess file.
And I don’t want to rename or remove the current .htaccess file as it might affect my other blog and sites in the hosting account.
I’m using https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/bulletproof-security/ for my .htaccess
Here is my .htaccess: https://pastebin.com/zgrUdyZH
I’m also Using CloudFlare – https://cloudflare.com for my MainBlog in the root.
And I have changed the Name Servers Only for the MainBlog,
My main blog in the root and other sites in the hosting account are working properly.
Kindly help me.
Thank you.
]]>I want to change from Joomla to WP, but I dont want my site to be down while I make the new WP page since it can take weeks. Is it possible that I upload the WordPress folder/installation to domain.com/folder/, and then make it be available on the domain afterwards when I am done? If yes, how can I do this the most easy way?
Thank you.
]]>I have a holding page up at the moment on my domain. I want to setup a wp site, but leave the current holding page up until I’ve set the new wp one.
Can I just put the wp files into a subfolder of httpdocs, access it by going to f10studios.co.uk/wp
and then when its ready move it up a directory? And I wont have any complications with databases, or gallleries etc?
Thanks a lot.