I’m about to lose four years worth of comments. Help? How can I move my IntenseDebate comments from blogger to WP?
]]>I’m trying intense debate
With option – Location – “popup” for comments link, I try some things from codex to display the comment link in different way like comments_link, javascript method, etc… from codex but nothing starts the popup for home page, all links on home page goes to #respond or #comments.
I have installed intense debate before add the comment link.
What’s the good way to display the popup from intense debate for the front page please ?
Thx for your help
]]>I have intense debate set up, enabled with facebook connect logins. Clicking the login button to post a comment, however, does not work. It launches a pop-up window with the message “An error occured. Please try again later.” This error is coming from facebook, from the url https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?…
I’ve confirmed that facebook has the domain and URL in the proper formats and that intense debate has the proper API key.
The site (link fwds from my set to dev server). Any suggestions?
I wrote to support a couple of weeks ago but never heard back. I wrote them again last week. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I read this thread, which is now closed, and I followed the link to the Google group. I downloaded the patch, but I’m now stuck.
My code experience is limited, so I don’t know the process how to apply the patch. Do I edit files for Intense Debate, Edit Flow? Do I just upload it to the folder for either plug-in?
Any help is appreciated! I’d like to continue using the Editorial Comments.
BTW, I’m using the latest version of all relevant items, plugins and WP.
]]>You can see a picture of the problem here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jakamerriman/6466320831/sizes/o/in/photostream/
I tried deactivating Jetpack, logging out of the dashboard, and clearing the cache, then reactivating it, but nothing changed. I also updated Intense Debate five minutes ago, and still nothing has changed.
Any help or insight would be appreciated!