I have more than 15,000 posts and would like to import the keywords of every post with 1 click. How can I do this?
I have an excel with all URLs and the keyword of that URL.
For example, I want that /hello to have the keyword hello. And that /house has the keyword house, etc.
I can do this manually but it is 15K posts so I would like to just import everything. I saw that I can import keywords with excel but don’t understand the format of how I need to create the excel.
I will wait for help.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I know that interlinking is important for on page SEO and wondering why the links created by Contextual Related Posts aren’t showing up as outgoing internal links? Any help is much appreciated.
I was thinking about either 301 redirecting all those formats to homepage, but I’d rather just have this not happen. Any idea WHY it might happen?
]]>The members are not very good at finding their way around. Most of the other sheds don’t have an Internet presence, out of about 1,000 branches only a hand full have the skill to get online, and part of my focus with the site is to offer help to the readers (other interested shed members.)
I have been told interlinking between similar sites is now old hat. Anyway I could with a critical review.