When I submitted an order from my website, the order appears on my ShipStation. When I clicked on “Create + Print Label” for that order , I got the following error:
IntegrationError: WooCommerce encountered an error and responded with StatusCode InternalServerError. Content: {“code”:”internal_server_error”,”message”:”<p>There has been a critical error on your website.<\/p><p>Learn more about debugging in WordPress.<\/a><\/p>”,”data”:{“status”:500},”additional_errors”:[]}
When I chatted with the ShipStation support agent, he told me that a label has indeed been created.
However, the customer (me in this case) did not receive a notification email about the order being shipped and tracking code for the shipment.
Please help me!
]]>I cannot do much of anything on WordPress now – everytime I navigate to a different page I get an Internal Error message, and nearly everytime I try to upgrade a plugin the whole thing crashes completely. I really mean completely. Nothing will work until I go into the files and delete the last thing updated, and I cannot reinstall or it happens again. This is really driving me crazy – I (like everybody else) need my site and it won’t run.
This is affecting both my sites, but mostly the main site:
Main site: https://www.rabidhorse.com
Secondary site: https://www.scififangirl.rabidhorse.com
I’ve moved the whole Jetpack folder to my “disabled plugins” folder, and now I can access the site, but not without still getting every other page marked 500 internal error.
Thank you for any help!
I’m not sure if this is a WordPress problem or a GoDaddy problem, neither one seems to know. I cannot do much of anything on WordPress now – everytime I navigate to a different page I get an Internal Error message, and nearly everythime I try to upgrade a plugin the whole thing crashes completely. I really mean completely. Nothing will work until I go into the files and delete the last thing updated, and I cannot reinstall or it happens again. This is really driving me crazy – I (like everybody else) need my site and it won’t run.
This is affecting both my sites, but mostly the main site:
Main site: www.rabidhorse.com
Secondary site: www.scififangirl.rabidhorse.com
Thank you for any help!
Server Status: 0 -error
Error Message:
Unknown Error – See Log File
I look at the log and I can’t see anything that says what the problem is, not the I really understand what I am looking at.
I do get a warnings on two items during the scan, cached data and total file size
1. About cached data. I have deactivated, not removed, WP-SuperCache, because it was not playing nice with GoDaddy. I do still get cached data in the cache file and I think this is something GoDaddy does.
2. Total file size. The total is 274.38MB. Anything beyond 150MB will issue a warning. I have been getting the warning now for the past several months as the site has grown and I have had the build interrupt before, but after one or two tries I have a successful build.
Last week I did add significantly to the the size of the site, adding about 80 new pages. I just wonder if the time it takes to create the zip file is longer than GoDaddy likes.
As a last attempt effort, I have checked the Attempt Network Keep Alive box. And attempted to another build. I got this
Server Status: 500 -Internal Server Error
Error Message:
Internal Server Error
Is this something I am doing wrong or is this a GoDaddy issue?
]]>I deactivated all other plugins and used the twenty twelve theme, it still 500’s. I’m on a Unix server running php 5.3, MySQL 5.0.45 and WordPress 3.8. The site in question is www.streetsie.com Any ideas?
]]>My web designer and I have been trying to figure this out for over a week. We contacted the host, Godaddy, and they had us look for htaccess files. We removed those and still get the problem. They did access the error log and said these errors are due to the scripts that are being accessed.
We have tried to correct this problem, however nothing works. I was using an earlier version of WordPress – not sure exactly which one…2 I think — and reinstalled and upgraded to 3, but that didn’t work either. Does anyone have any suggestions?
]]>Normally, those 150Mb are more than enough for 4 WordPress sies and 2 Gallery2 installations but at these (random?) points, my RAM usage will spike and all of them (which are on the same VPS) will go down.
This is definitely related to only dbzer0.com as when this happens I can’t access this site, no matter how much I increase my resources and I can avoid the usage spike by simply taking down only this site (renaming the root directory to something else for example) everything else keeps working splendidly. But as soon as I rename the dir back to its original name everything stops once more)
I have tried many things to resolve it, even going as far as replacing my WP installation with a “factory default” one (so-to-speak) with no plugins and just the default theme. As soon as I restored the dir site usage once again spiked.
I suspected a DDOS but I am quite a small fish so I can’t imagine why this would happen. I also checked my access.log and didn’t find much evidence to support this. I suspected web crawlers and I’ve even ammended my bots.txt file to slow them down but this keeps going on.
I am really at the end of my wits. Is there anything you can suggest I should look for? Any way to troubleshoot this? Currently the site is down (I’ve renamed the dir again) and I lack ssh access as I’m currently behind a corporate firewall and lack internet access at home for the moment. So I can use only FTP for now.
I’ve also contacted Dreamhost about this but in the past they haven’t been of much help with issues such as these and can take up to 2 days to respond so I’m not expecting help soon from there.
So please, help?