I am trying to make this rss feed display on a website :
It had an error in W3C with an image that I fixed today, now Simple Pie & W3C seem to find it OK :
=> But Feedzy still says in backend that the feed is invalid.
Frontend error : Sorry, some part of this feed is currently unavailable or does not exist anymore. The detailed error is
https://picoulet.centres-sociaux.fr/feed/ is invalid XML, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: Mismatched tag at line 105, column 8
(Empty line ? line 104 </content:encoded>)
Rssboard suggests some optimization but still consider feed valid
Shouldn’t it be displayed anyway ?
Would not mind some of your Enlightenment
Edit : I tried with feedzy shortcode & block.
In the past this feed has worked
Setup :
PHP 7.4 + MySQL 8.0
WP 6.0
Theme : Astra (+child) 3.8.2
Feedzy light 3.8.3
UAG / Spectra 3.6.9
All in One WP Security 4.4.12
WP Rocket 3.11.3
+ couple other plugins, everything up to date
]]>I have a podcast on my WordPress blog (leonfire.com) using PowerPress as a plugin. Everything worked fine until last month when the last 5 episodes didn’t show up on the Apple Podcasts list (https://podcasts.apple.com/it/podcast/the-marco-delia-podcast/id1487478257).
So I tried looking for some tips online to fix the issue, and I managed to remove CloudFlare from my website, emptying all cache, and trying to see if any plugin caused the issue, but nothing worked.
Actually, it got worse. On the Castfeedvalidator.com now the feed doesn’t even work, saying “Invalid Content-Type for Feed”, and in the Apple Podcasts platform, my podcast shows an error in the admin area.
The RSS Feed can’t be read and I have no idea why. If I try to write down on the Castfeedvalidator.com my URL without the /podcast at the end, it shows something, but with a lot of errors and saying (as in the beginning) that my last 5 episodes can’t show up because of an invalid media file.
I didn’t change a thing in the process of making my podcast episodes, so I have no idea of what happened, please help I’m desperate.
]]>Import Posts option does not appear.
All i get is ‘invalid feed’. Except for one: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/.rss
All others validated with troubleshooter.
->PHP 7.0.33 ?
]]>I get a message of ‘It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn’t find one. Please enter the address of your feed to validate.’ from https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi.
But when I type my site’s url of feed on browser, I can see them.
One thing I mind is feed url, https://example.com/feed, showing quite different format against https://.
https:// has beautified format while https:// doesn’t.
Also, https:// having start with 2 new lines.
Actually, either https:// or https:// are being said that it is invalid feed.
Any ideas on my problem?
]]>I installed the plugin and put in this cointelegraph feed: https://cointelegraph.com/rss/tag/bitcoin
It says invalid feed, I removed it and put the sample feed, it still says invalid feed. What could be the problem?
My website is https://www.cryptocurrencynewshub.net/
I deeply appreciate your assistance.
]]> <div class=’code-block code-block-4′ style=’margin: 8px 0; clear: both;’>
line 2044, column 81: XML parsing error: <unknown>:2044:81: not well-formed (invalid token) [help]
… -94ed-f2b565484e91″></div><script async src=”//z-na.amazon-adsystem.com/ …
Cast feed Validator
is invalid XML, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: > required at line 2045, column 82
Great job! I’m very happy user of your plugin.
But I have problem. I have 3 feed sources added to plugin, two of them works fine (both from same page), but third source throws error “Invalid feed URL” (URL: https://lcagri.iung.pl/pl/aktualnosci?format=feed&type=rss). It’s W3C valid.
All my sources are generated by Joomla and are working with other feed aggregators.
In debugging I can see: “Your server supports fsockopen” and in Error Log: “[13-11-2017 16:25:13] [Error] WPRSS > wprss_get_feed_items:
Failed to fetch feed “https://lcagri.iung.pl/en/news”. The resource could not be retrieved because of a client error with code 403
Server returned 847 characters, of which 150 are below:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd”>
<html xmlns=”https://www.w3.org/1999/xht” every hour.
Could you help me, please?
Would appreciate any insights. Have Yoast SEO Premium installed. That’s the only plugin that has any influence on the RSS.
Thank you!
]]>I see my latest episode in my feed now, but it’s not being sent to iTunes or Overcast. One reason it seems may be because it’s producing invalid XML according to Feed Validator.
I have no idea how to fix this, because this is all controlled through the plugin. Please check out the screens and let me know how to fix this.