I would like to report a problem with invalid html that this plugin creates by default. This happens on the default cookie policy document and specifically on this html content:
<summary class="cmplz-service-header"><div>
However the above html is invalid as per these html instructions:
?not allowed as child of element?summary
?in this context.
So could you please fix the above problem?
Thank you very much for your help!
Best Regards
]]>`<link rel=”https://theeventscalendar.com/” href=”https://freudental.de/wp-json/tribe/events/v1/” />
which does not pass validation because of the wrong rel value. It is set in src/Tribe/REST/V1/Main.php in function get_reference_url. I could not find a hook to overwrite it in my child theme. I’m using the lastest version 5.8.0 of The Events Calendar.
Do you have any ideas or a bug fix to get rid of this wrong value?
Thanks in advance, Gaby
]]><style type="text/css">
.site-description {
position: absolute;
clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
.main-navigation:not(.mobile-navigation) .primary-menu > li > a{
color: #blank;
.sidebar-open i{
background: #blank;
]]>Element script must not have attribute defer unless attribute src is also specified.
Using the HTML validator service: https://validator.w3.org
]]>I discovered that if title/description of videos contains quotation marks, it may break the generated itemprop html code. This might only occur in certain plugin combinations, most probably when some of them is trying to optimize HTML structure. I saw you already apply esc_attr
to the retrieved youtube data so I assume that should be safe corresponding to the WordPress KB database.
However, here is a quick workaround if someone else has a small number of videos not passing Google’s validation steps whilst the majority is working. Please add the following to your theme’s functions.php, which removes html-encoded quotes from all tags.
/* remove encoded quotes at all */
function afe_fix_lyte_quote_hanlding($tmpl, $type) {
return str_replace('"', "", $tmpl );
add_filter('lyte_match_postparse_template', 'afe_fix_lyte_quote_hanlding', 10, 2);
]]>Noticed each form field has the class attribute added twice to it, generating invalid HTML.
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="pirate-forms-contact-name" name="pirate-forms-contact-name" class="" placeholder="Your Name"
From what I can tell, it’s added both in the get_common() function from pirate-forms\includes\class-pirateforms-html.php, as well as inside pirate-forms\public\partials\fields\text.php
Normally this is not a problem, unfortunately, it brakes our own plugin TranslatePress since we need valid HTML or it fails. We have a workaround for it, however it’s not something we can activate by default simply because it can have side effects.
Best Regards,
I am getting messages from Google saying that invalid HTML-tags are used in a number of our AMP pages. More specific: “rel” should not be shown in tag “div”
Two examples:
What can I do abou this, or is it a bug? Please help!
]]>That’s completely invalid HTML markup.
You end up with
[ all your code and content here]
Which for most people will result in:
<div style="text-align:left;">
<p>Under construction message</p>
<p>Be back when message</p>
Am I the only one to see this is a little wrong? Please fix.