Click on ‘Lost your password’ and land on
Enter either email address or username and click ‘Get New Password’
Confirmation email is received with a link to reset the password.
Selecting the link takes me to
Error message: ‘Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below.’
This circle continued indefinitely with no relief. I have tried in Chrome, Safari, and Edge with the same results.
]]>I have a problem with Images rendering in OceanWP after the most recent upgrades of the theme and Woocommerce.
The site is running Woocommerce with OceanWP.
It also uses Imagify plugin for image compression & conversion to webp.
Key item versions:
– WP 6.0.2
– OceanWP 3.3.5
– Woocommerce version 6.9.4
– Imagify 2.0
Initially, this occured only after the WooCommerce update on debugging, so I had opened a support thread with them:
Further information and the System Info is available here:
The finding was that it appears to be a conflict between Imagify and the theme as:
Please can you take a look – I have left the version with the issue in my staging as linked above.
For reference, my live site also works, though the missing plugin in the case of live is woocommerce, where I tracked the 3-way issue arose only from woocommerce 6.8.0 and above.
]]>When I upgrade to Woocommerce 6.93 from 6.7.0 most of my product images in the lower section do not load in the Shop page.
Instead of having the https://io…jpg links, all but a few images are replaced with things like this example:
The same happens to images for alternative / suggested products at the bottom of a Single Product page.
Admittedly, I had not performed updates for 2 months and then had to roll-back all changes and go through them one-by-one to identify it is something in this plugin only.
The site is running on WP 6.0.2 with all other updates and uses Jetpack and a few other plugins – deactivating all of those had no effect.
I wonder if you can take a look and compre between my staging site and production site; Same page here without the update.
I obviously would like to keep all up-to-date, but cannot do this currently.
I am happy to try each version between 6.7.0 and current on my staging to see where the issue may have arise if this will help.
]]>I have add define(‘WP_CACHE’, false); in my wp-config.php.
After I click the forgot password, I did receive the email.
But the page after redirected shows “Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below.”
I saw some fixed solution which is add “wp-resetpass-*” in somewhere but I don’t know where is the somewhere in EasyWP.
Hope someone can help me. I will very appreciate on it. Thank you.
— Dan Dragomir
NAFO Fan Club
(@DanDragomir) February 10, 2020
/stiri/ is excluded in Settings.
but that is not a valid link, its just something nonsense.
This happes in about 1 in 20 tweets, cannot find out why.
]]>Keep getting this error
Even with https and using different urls.
I’ve been testing out your plugin and added the shortcode to a sidebar. When I try clicking on the Twitter icon it’s pulling the title of the first excerpt on my homepage followed by the main url. When I click on the Google Plus icon I get invalid link. I checked the settings and I made sure “Url of the webpage where icons are located (default)” is selected but I’m still getting this issue.
]]>I don’t know if other people also encounter this problem, or its something wrong with my operation.
And How could I fix so much plenties of invalid links about the pictures?