First, congratulations for this plugin!!! It is really amazing!
I tested it on Mac OS X, Android, iOS 9 and iOS 10.
It worked fine on almost all operating systems and failed on on iOS 9 and iOS 10.
Best regards,
]]>On iOS 9 when using iPad with the split view controller, the pages do not refer correctly. They render at full size and loose the responsiveness.
I have tried this with a number of sites using Fruitful, including your own demo site, and the issue remains.
This is clearly not a generic issue with all websites as many display correctly.
I would welcome your views on why it looses the responsiveness and how to overcome this.
]]>This agent includes both the words “iPhone” and “Mobile” but doesn’t show the WPTouch.
I have disabled all Cache’s and still no go.
I did note this during beta-testing of iOS 9, but waited for it to be released to public before posting the issue.
Is anyone else having issues, or does it work for others with iOS 9? Anyone have a site I can test my phone against?