Wordfence is showing the error: “Last rules update for the Wordfence Web Application Firewall was unsuccessful.” The issue seems to be that my IPv6-only server running Wordfence tries to connect to noc1.wordfence.com, which is IPv4-only, and my server cannot reach it.
The diagnostics page in Wordfence Tools shows an error in “wp_remote_post() test to noc1.wordfence.com failed! Response was: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to noc1.wordfence.com port 443 after 2 ms: Couldn't connect to serve
“. Connecting back to this site and connecting back to this site via IPv6 work since they go through Cloudflare.
Would it be possible to provide IPv6 access for Wordfence rules updates?
dig noc1.wordfence.com
; <<>> DiG 9.18.30-0ubuntu0.24.04.2-Ubuntu <<>> noc1.wordfence.com
;noc1.wordfence.com. IN A
noc1.wordfence.com. 24 IN A
noc1.wordfence.com. 24 IN A
noc1.wordfence.com. 24 IN A
]]>Half the time my website seems to issue a secure certificate and the other half it seems to issue a invalid one,
testing it on SSL labs (https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=onepizza.com.au&latest) it seems that the correct one seems to correspond with the ipv4 address, and the incorrect one to the ipv6 address.
I can’t find the incorrect one anywhere within my cpanel directory. And recently just purchased the SSL Zen premium to have access to support, if someone can help me that would be great thank you.
]]>The original topic I opened about three weeks ago cannot be found either in the chronological listing, or via search, and I have no idea why. Repeated follow-up posts, some with new information, are not being responded to. I hate having to create a new Topic just to link back to the original thread, but this is an unusual (and urgent) circumstance.
Given that my issue involves the failure of some pretty essential core WF functionality (IP identification and blocking), I would hope that the many users who have identified this issue can get a response soon.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Is there *ANY* way to have this traffic more accurately identified? Mark Maunder’s post from 2015 announcing Wordfence’s IPv6 capabilities made specific mention of the ability to look up PTR records, and do fairly robust geo-location as well.
Has something become broken in the code, or is this a misconfiguration issue in my Wordfence plugins (which are all standardized on a template through Wordfence Central, btw), or perhaps a misconfiguration issue on my web hosting company’s server?
Screenshot attached to show example of what I’m seeing in Live Traffic:
Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions you may have!
]]>This time, I’d like to find out if there are restrictions or a common way we need to use ipv6 addresses. We had a request for a group address using the ::/64
or /48
at the end of it. Is this supported?
For example, is 2001:db8:abcd:ffff::/64