After not using the WP admin module more than 3 years, today I tried to post a new post today. Unfortunately it gave me the error below and I was unable to fix the problem in any way.
Can someone help me what I can do to use the site normally? I can’t figure out if any plugin or theme problem is occured…
TypeError: this._addClass is not a function
at e…_create (
at e…_create (
at e…_createWidget (
at new e.. (
at HTMLDivElement. (
at Function.each (
at e..each (
at e.fn. as sortable
at Object.init (
at Object.add_postbox_toggles (
Thanks a lot!
Few months ago, I wanted to make the invoice only be sent to people, when they use BACS as the payment method. I added this code:
/* PDF Predra?un SAMO za BACS */
add_filter( 'wpo_wcpdf_document_is_allowed', function ( $allowed, $document ) {
if ( $order = $document->order && $document->type == 'invoice') {
// Set the payment method IDs below
$payment_methods = ['bacs'];
$allowed = ( in_array( $order->get_payment_method(), $payment_methods ) ) ? true : false;
return $allowed;
}, 10, 2 );
The code worked, but now, it won’t even generate the document in the PDF Invoices settings in admin dashboard, and it won’t send it to the customer either.
I still want the email to only be sent when BACS is selected. What happened to the code, so it doesn’t work anymore?
Kind regards
]]>I have a page on my site to display products that are on sale called Akcije. It works the way I need it to, but I’d like to add a text that says “No products are currently on sale at this moment” if there are no products on sale. I’m using WooCommerce, Elementor and WooLentor for the page.
What would be the best approach?
Kind regards
]]>I see 2 checkbox “CS” and “IS” i didn’t undertand for what is it for ?
Thank you
I did find this information !
Gracias por toda su ayuda
]]>Occured after unstalled 2.4.5 version.
Strings such as tags autor (metadata ones) are not translated now…
I want when different classes multiple product in cart then show final high shippings charges.
1. Mango – (shipping- $0)
2. Apple (shipping – $0.50)
when like this multiple classes products in one time then show ($0.50) shipping method.
I hope this is possible but I can’t! Please help me
]]>From site-owner point of view:
I’m have a site where you don’t need to log-in to WordPress to be able to comment.
however as site-owner i want to check those comments, so hey go directly into ‘Your comment is awaiting moderation’.
A commentor must fill in NAME / E-MAIL / COMMENT.
Now as site owner i do get an e-mail to approve or disapprove the comment.
But as a customer/commentor it would be nice to receive an e-mail also (something like: Thanks for you comment, it is held for moderation and our team will check it and approve or decline)
I’m using Better Notifications for WordPress to test, but it seems to be missing there. As the customer/commentor does provide his/here e-mail this shouldn’t be that difficult or am i missing something on my end?
Hope to here from you to point me in a direction to solve this.
The elephant