We use the product Item ID as the barcode for the items online and in our store and on the barcodes that we print out and use. This allows us to not have to come up with another unique SKU or number for items since Woocommerce already created a unique number for the items and variations. We have used this successfully for months and have used Zettle POS on multiple occasions and we have experienced no issues with using this same number.
Is it possible for you to add an option to automatically use the Item ID as the barcode in this plugin? This would automatically assign the Item ID as the barcode on the product as it syncs to the Zettle POS.
]]>This plugin only has the option to send nothing, or Line Items (just a numbered list of products “0, 1, 2, 3, 4”, etc.).
This make it impossible to look at your PayPal transaction detail and see what the customer ordered, or to import PayPal transactions into QuickBooks.
Is there a way to pass the SKU’s from WooCommerce to PayPal?
Thank you
]]>I am relatively new to Learnpress, but I am experiencing a couple of issues with the quiz.
Issues my customers are complaining about is:
* Quiz 3; Question 2 – does not respond when clicked on completed.
* Quiz 2: After I have completed the quiz it loops back to Quiz 2 question 1.
* Quiz in general: It takes me up to 35 seconds per question to load.
Then I am struggling to reset the USER’s specific quiz, the database program asks for ITEM ID, I have typed anything imaginable in there but the same error: “NO DATA FOUND”.
So I am doing something wrong.
Anyone that can assist with any help or advice would be truly appreciated.
]]>I have this movie database project that I built using the Gridly template. I use the Custom Content Types plugin. I use the regular posts as “movie cards”, to which I have added relations to other custom posts (actors, directors…). The movie “cards” can be edited using Custom fields (one for actors, one for directors…). I did all this using Ed Andrea’s well know tutorial on the subject.
I have installed WP Custom Fields Search to edit several search forms. One is for movie titles, that targets the post title > it works fine.
I have done the same thing to search for actors : I have selected “custom field” as Data Field and set “actors” in the dropdown menu as the one custom field that needs to be browsed. However, the Custom Content Types plugin works with item ids (for instance Bruce Willis is [’10’], Matt Damon is [’13’]…) and won’t return any data if I search for an actor’s name. This seems to be an old issue, but the latest fixes don’t change anything for me : if I want to see the Bruce Willis movies, I have to search for… number 11. It is not very convenient to say the least.
If anyone has any ideas, to fix this in WP custom fields search, or for a custom search form…
]]>This post is here to help anyone who is maybe looking at a way to get the menu item id by using the menu item name.
I was busy developing a theme when I needed a function to give me the menu item id of a menu item I created so that I can link another menu item to the new menu item as a child.
Hope this makes some sense…
So what I did was I created a function that was hooked in to the after_setup_theme action, this function created some default pages and posts to demonstrate the capabilities of the theme.
After the pages where created successfully a function will then be run to create a new custom menu with links to the newly created pages.
My issue became clear that when I created the menu I did not have the ability to create parent menu items with linked child menu items…
So I created the below function that gets me the menu item id of a specified menu item (given you know the name of the item) so that I can use it again when creating a child menu item in the wp_update_nav_menu_item function in the menu-item-parent-id variable within the parameters array…
Get Menu Item ID
@since: v1.0
@author: Tiaan Swart
$menu_id - The menu ID in which the item you are looking for is located
$item_name - The name of the item which you are looking for
$item_type - The type of menu item (ie. page, post, custom), the default is custom
function ts_get_menu_item_id( $menu_id, $item_name, $item_type = 'custom' ) {
//If there is no Menu ID or Item Name specified return false
if ( empty($menu_id) ) {
return FALSE;
} elseif ( empty($item_name) ) {
return FALSE;
//If the Item Type specified is not a normal item type change it to custom
if ( in_array( $item_type, array( 'custom', 'page', 'post', 'default' ) ) ) {
$item_type = $item_type;
} else {
$item_type = 'custom';
//Get the global wordpress database class
global $wpdb;
//build the query we are going to use to extract the id from the database
//we only need the ID of the menu item, which is the ID of the nav_menu_item in the wp_posts table
$query = 'SELECT ID ';
//we are going to work with data from 3 tables wp_posts, wp_term_relationships and wp_postmeta lets add them to the mix
$query .= 'FROM '.$wpdb->posts.', '.$wpdb->term_relationships.', '.$wpdb->postmeta.' ';
//now lets specify the conditions
$query .= 'WHERE ';
//we need to refine our query to only show rows from the 3 tables where the ID's match
$query .= 'ID = object_id AND ID = post_id ';
//we also only want menu items from the given menu id
$query .= 'AND term_taxonomy_id = "'.$menu_id.'" ';
//we also only want menu items matching the given item name
$query .= 'AND post_title = "'.$item_name.'" ';
//return rows from wp_posts that are published only
$query .= 'AND post_status = "publish" ';
//return rows from wp_posts that are menu items only
$query .= 'AND post_type = "nav_menu_item" ';
//return rows from wp_postmeta where the meta key is menu item object
$query .= 'AND meta_key = "_menu_item_object" ';
//return rows from wp_postmeta where the meta value for menu item object matches the given item type
$query .= 'AND meta_value = "'.$item_type.'" ';
//the query is now complete
//lets run the query and return the result as a variable
return $wpdb->get_var( $query );
If anyone has any improvements on this function please do share…
Also I just have to thank the users of this post as they were the inspiration…
]]>I am building a plugin and need to apply certain jQuery stuff to the theme menu. If there are custom menus, the only hook for the menu items that I can find is the menu item ID (eg: menu-item-574) and I can’t seem to be able to get that ID using the $post->ID or some other data in order to use it with my jQuery code.
Any advice is highly appreciated.