I’m guessing maybe this is just a typing error somewhere in the plugin files. I wanted to bring it up so maybe it could be corrected in an update to the plugin. Alternatively, could it be something went wrong on my end with the update? Or possibly a configuration error on my end?
It’s strange b/c it only caught the error on three cards. Maybe that’s a crawl limit issue but it’s thrown up the same three cards for two crawls now. Also, it doesn’t seem to be breaking anything functionally but I’m worried it will hurt SEO. Let me know if you need any other info from me!
]]>It display when admin login
Without admin login it not display
We have also taken support from that 3rd party team
They said its fine from our side
Please connect with wordpress team
I have attached the screen shot please check this
My site :
Please let me know if anything needed
And if possible please provide me support as soon as possible
<meta name="viewport" content="width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0">
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<title>Know your body shape</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
<script src="index.js"></script>
<h1 style="text-align: center;">Find out your Body Shape</h1>
<div class="row">
<div id="container1" class="container">
<h3 style="text-align:center" id="CalHeader">Guidance</h3>
<p id="text" style="padding: 15px;text-align: justify;">Just click in each text box for instructions on how
to find your measurements. Its easy to find your body type</p>
<div id="container2" class="container">
<img src="know your body shape - Dazzles Jewellery.jpg" />
<div id="container3" class="container" class = "calArea">
<div class="text-wrap">
<h3 style="padding: 15px; text-align:center" >Input Data (Inches)</h3>
<div id="Bust" class="calBut text-box" style="line-height: 300%;">
<input name="Bust" id="BustSZ" list="Inches" maxlength="2" size="2" required placeholder="Bust" />
<div id="Waist" class="calBut text-box" style="line-height: 300%">
<input name="Waist" id="WaistSZ" list="Inches" maxlength="2" size = "2" required placeholder="Waist" />
<div id="Hips" class="calBut text-box" style="line-height: 300%">
<input name="Hips" id="HipSZ" list="Inches" maxlength="2" size = "2" required placeholder="Hips" />
<div class="calBut">
<a href="#">Submit</a>
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
.container {
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background-color: white;
float: left;
padding: 10px;
.row:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;
img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
img.displayed {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto
.text-wrap {
display: block;
text-align: center;
.calArea {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
text-align: left;
.calBut #button {
width: 80px;
background: #000;
color: #fff;
font-size: 18px;
line-height: 36px;
text-align: center;
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
//Change the instruction text and mannequin images depending on which input field is in focus.
$("#Bust").focusin(function() {
$('#CalHeader').text("Measuring your bust.");
$('#text').text("Stand straight up and wrap the tape measure around the fullest part of your chest keeping it parallel to the ground. Pull the measuring tape as taut as you can without changing the shape of your chest.");
$('#imageBox').html('<img src="" />');
$("#Waist").focusin(function() {
$('#CalHeader').text("Measuring your waist.");
$('#text').text("Find the narrowest part of your waist. If you are not sure, slowly bend from right to left while looking in the mirror. The area that creases as you bend is your natural waist. Wrap the tape measure around your waist with the two ends meeting at your navel. Avoid sucking in your stomach while taking this measurement.");
$('#imageBox').html('<img src="" />');
$("#Hips").focusin(function() {
$('#CalHeader').text("Measuring your hips.");
$('#text').text("Hold the measuring tape at one hip, below your hip bone, at the fullest part of your hip. Then, keeping the tape flat, wrap it around the largest part of your butt, your other hip, and bring it back to the meeting point.");
$('#imageBox').html('<img src="" />');
//On click get the varabiuals from the input fields
$('a#button').click(function() {
var bust = $('#BustSZ').val(),
waist = $('#WaistSZ').val(),
hips = $('#HipSZ').val();
var bustMeasure = "";
var waistMeasure = "";
var hipsMeasure = "";
var small = "small";
var medium = "medium";
var large = "large";
var shapeType = "";
// Bust Calculation.
if ( bust <= 36 ) { bustMeasure = small; }
if ( bust <= 44 ) { bustMeasure = medium; }
if ( bust >= 45 ) { bustMeasure = large; }
// Waist Calculation.
if ( waist <= 34 ) { waistMeasure = small; }
if ( waist <= 41 ) { waistMeasure = medium; }
if ( waist >= 42 ) { waistMeasure = large; }
// Hips Calculation.
if ( hips <= 39 ) { hipsMeasure = small; }
if ( hips <= 47 ) { hipsMeasure = medium; }
if ( hips >= 48 ) { hipsMeasure = large; }
// First check to see if all measurements are within 5" of each other. If so they are I-shape.
var highestValue = Math.max(bust, waist, hips);
var lowestValue = Math.min(bust, waist, hips);
var difference = highestValue - lowestValue;
if ( difference <= 5 ){
shapeType = "I-Shape"
Bust is >5" smaller than waist & hips THEN A-shape (A-shape)
Waist is >5" smaller than bust & hips THEN X-shape (X-shape)
Waist is >5" bigger than bust & hips THEN V-shape (V-shape)
Hips are >5" bigger bust & waist THEN A-shape (A-shape)
if (waist - bust > 5 && hips - bust > 5) {
shapeType = "A-shape";
if (bust - waist > 5 && hips - waist > 5) {
shapeType = "X-shape";
if (waist - bust > 5 && waist - hips > 5) {
shapeType = "V-shape";
if (hips - waist > 5 && hips - bust > 5) {
shapeType = "A-shape";
// Bust measurements are more than 5 percent bigger than your hip measurement.
if (bust - hips > (hips / 20)) {
shapeType = "V-shape";
// Bust and hip measurements are within 5 percent of each other. (bust - hips < ( hips / 20))
// And Waist is less than 25 percent smaller than chest measurements && (waist < (bust * .75))
if ((bust - hips <= ( hips / 20)) && (waist > (bust * .75))) {
shapeType = "I-shape";
// Hip measurement is more than 5 percent bigger than your shoulder or bust measurements
if (hips - bust > (bust/20)) {
shapeType = "A-shape";
// Waist is at least 25 percent smaller than your hip AND bust measurements
if ((waist <= (bust * .75) && waist <= (hips * .75))) {
shapeType = "X-shape";
/*// I-shape.
if (( (bustMeasure == small) && (waistMeasure == small) && (hipsMeasure == small))
|| ((bustMeasure == medium) && (waistMeasure == medium) && (hipsMeasure == medium))
|| (bustMeasure == large) && (waistMeasure == large) && (hipsMeasure == large))
shapeType = "I-shape";
// V-shape
if ( ((bustMeasure == small) && (waistMeasure == medium) && (hipsMeasure == small))
|| ((bustMeasure == small) && (waistMeasure == large) && (hipsMeasure == small))
|| ((bustMeasure == small) && (waistMeasure == large) && (hipsMeasure == medium))
|| ((bustMeasure == medium) && (waistMeasure == large) && (hipsMeasure == small))
|| ((bustMeasure == medium) && (waistMeasure == large) && (hipsMeasure == medium))
|| ((bustMeasure == medium) && (waistMeasure == large) && (hipsMeasure == large)))
shapeType = "V-shape";
// A-shape.
if ( ((bustMeasure == small) && (waistMeasure == small) && (hipsMeasure == medium))
|| ((bustMeasure == small) && (waistMeasure == small) && (hipsMeasure == large))
|| ((bustMeasure == small) && (waistMeasure == medium) && (hipsMeasure == medium))
|| ((bustMeasure == small) && (waistMeasure == medium) && (hipsMeasure == large))
|| ((bustMeasure == small) && (waistMeasure == large) && (hipsMeasure == large))
|| ((bustMeasure == medium) && (waistMeasure == medium) && (hipsMeasure == large))
|| ((bustMeasure == medium) && (waistMeasure == small) && (hipsMeasure == large)))
shapeType = "A-shape";
// X-shape.
if ( ((bustMeasure == medium) && (waistMeasure == small) && (hipsMeasure == medium))
|| ((bustMeasure == large) && (waistMeasure == small) && (hipsMeasure == large))
|| ((bustMeasure == large) && (waistMeasure == small) && (hipsMeasure == medium))
|| ((bustMeasure == large) && (waistMeasure == medium) && (hipsMeasure == large)))
shapeType = "X-shape";
// Output Image and text for corresponding body type
if ( shapeType == "I-shape" ) {
$('#CalHeader').text("You are an H-shape");
$('#text').text("Your body weight is evenly distributed, with shoulders, waist and hips almost even in width.");
$('#text2').html('<p>Click <a href="#">Here</a> to find the perfect suit for your body type.</p>');
$('#imageBox').html('<img src="" />');
else if ( shapeType == "V-shape" ) {
$('#CalHeader').text("You are an Apple/V-shape");
$('#text').text("Your shoulders are broadest, over a thicker torso, which is almost as wide as your hips, with a barely-there bottom and slimmer thighs and legs.");
$('#text2').html('<p>Click <a href="#">Here</a> to find the perfect suit for your body type.</p>');
$('#imageBox').html('<img src="" />');
else if ( shapeType == "X-shape" ) {
$('#CalHeader').text("You are an Hourglass shape");
$('#text').text("The hour-glass silhouette tends to be nipped in at the waist and fuller in both bust and hips.");
$('#text2').html('<p>Click <a href="#">Here</a> to find the perfect suit for your body type.</p>');
$('#imageBox').html('<img src="" />');
else if ( shapeType == "A-shape" ) {
$('#CalHeader').text("You are a Pear/A-shape");
$('#text').text("Your shoulders and bust are noticeably narrower than hips, thighs and rear, with most curves below the waist.");
$('#text2').html('<p>Click <a href="#">Here</a> to find the perfect suit for your body type.</p>');
$('#imageBox').html('<img src="" />');
else {
$('#CalHeader').text("O no an error");
$('#text').text("Something is wrong. Please only use numbers and give it another try.");
$('#imageBox').html('<img src="" />');
]]>If I do a ‘get info’ on a file, it returns an error:
Permissions : read and write
Locked : no
md5 :NetworkError: Failed to execute ‘importScripts’ on ‘WorkerGlobalScope’: The script at ‘’ failed to load.
sha256 :NetworkError: Failed to execute ‘importScripts’ on ‘WorkerGlobalScope’: The script at ‘’ failed to load.
Uncaught ReferenceError: practical_js_settings is not defined
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (main.js?ver=1.1.2&time=1598415126:8)
at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp&time=1598415126:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp&time=1598415126:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp&time=1598415126:2)
at HTMLDocument.J (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp&time=1598415126:2)
or subpage:
]]>In Async – I am trying to change the settings of JQuery to be excluded (and other settings), but the “Save Settings” button is not working. When I click, the page doesn’t refresh or anything. I opened developer tools and no errors or warnings show up.
I am not sure if Async is causing the problem as the JS problem in other plugins persists even after deactivating Async.
Other factors to consider: 1] Siteground changed my servers yesterday 2] I upgraded my PHP version to 7.4 (but the problem still persists after reverting to 7.3)
Thank you in advance for your speedy reply.
]]>Also the progress bar does not work, is this part of the problem? I saw it working on another website that posted on here and it would solve my earlier button issue beautifully.
Thank you for your help.
Javascript error detected by QSM Plugin. Try deactivating other plugins and themes. If the error still persists, please report the same on our support forums
Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
MDNStack Overflow
SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36
A Google Developer audit reveals the following:
error.js:195 Element “.afw_ad_amp_18419” not found: null
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Element “.afw_ad_amp_18419” not found: null??? _reported_
at Na.f.assert (log.js:404)
at Na.f.assertElement (log.js:429)
at analytics-root.js:274