Is there any way to use js compression without breaking the Redux scripts because the jpg’s and png’s are good but they are not loading due to redux scripts being broken. The only way I can see the pics is by having the
Optimize JavaScript Code UNchecked.
I have a screenshot of the WordPress Admin area but don’t see an option to attach it here
Do you know what the issue is?
Is there anything I need to do on my end to correct this issue?
I have a question. I am trying to embed a video on a page.
However, the code I tried to embed both in javascript and html are not working.
I am sending you a video to see what’s happening.
May I know the reason for this? Is it because I have editor role?
What user access to I need? Admin?
Please let me know.
here’s the video:
video 1:
video 2:
here’s the code I use:
code 1:
<script src=’//’ async></script><script src=’//’ async></script><div class=’wistia_embed wistia_async_6wdvr94tha’ style=’height:360px;width:640px’> </div>
code 2:
<div class=’wistia_responsive_padding’ style=’padding: 56.25% 0 0 0; position: relative;’>
<div class=’wistia_responsive_wrapper’ style=’height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%;’>
<iframe class=’wistia_embed’ src=’//’ name=’wistia_embed’ width=’100%’ height=’100%’ frameborder=’0′ scrolling=’no’ allowfullscreen=’allowfullscreen’></iframe>
<script src=’//’ async></script>
]]>I discovered since the update that my posts had huge (arbitrary) gaps between them. So I set about finding the problem – and finally did.
When I have the option “Optimize JavaScript Code?” checked – the gaps are there – when I disable it, it goes away. The plugin worked great, WITH Javascript code enabled – AND helped my page speed, now it doesn’t and I have no idea what is doing what between the plugin and my theme – or if this is also something to do with the new “caching” option – I already have a cache plugin –
Here’s an example of the site with the gap (I currently have the option disabled so that isn’t displaying until I can work it out)
Here is a screenshot of the site with the gap:
Here is my site:
]]>I am trying to use WP External Links Plugin.
I would like to have the external links on my site open in a popup browser window and this Plugin says I can do that but I need to add this Javascript code to my site. I have no idea how or where to do that. The external links are located in my menu.
jQuery(function ($) {
$(‘a[rel*=”external”]’).click(function (e) {
// open link in popup window$(this).attr(‘href’), ‘_blank’, ‘width=800, height=600’);
// stop default and other behaviour
]]>“Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number”
It relates to the variable sweetcaptchaPluginVersion
You have assigned an invalid number. The variable should be in string format I believe for the versioning style you are using. Two decimal points in a number is invalid.
window.sweetcaptchaPluginVersion = 3.1.0;
]]>I’m using eBay’s Partner Network banner on various of my pages and posts. No problem in Safari or Opera or Chrome. One version of Firefox it works fine. Another version of Firefox the banner won’t display at all. I can live with that.
IE9 — What else?
At first I was lost — None of the banners would work. The auctions were all over the place on the pages. But, using F12, I learned that this only happened when I was logged in. Logged out the individual pages and posts worked fine.
But, on the home page I still had ONE of the banners going crazy. Okay, I narrowed this down to the fact that I was running the same script twice on the same page. Because the home page lists a few of the posts and therefore at least a couple of the banners.
With Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome – no problem. But IE9 isn’t down with it.
So, how can I fix it so that those banners will show up on their individual pages but not on the home page?
]]>I’m currently using the Socrates them version 2.3, but I’ve also tried several other themes and got the same result.
The code is from an affiliate program and no one else seems to be having any trouble installing it. I’m stumped!
I’d really appreciate any suggestions.
]]>jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
,features: ['playpause','progress','current','duration','volume','tracks','fullscreen']
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
,features: ['playpause','progress','current','duration','volume','tracks','fullscreen']
What is going on ?
In Koi Theme (that UI use) it is fine.
The code inserted is as follows: