function showSubCat1(str, wp_plugin_path) {
var myarr = str.split(“:”);
sessionStorage.setItem(‘catid’, myarr[1]);
if (str==””) {
window.alert(“showsubcat1 func window.location.pathname ” + window.location.pathname );
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
} else { // code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
if (this.readyState==4 && this.status==200) {
window.alert(“showsubcat1 func status is 200 ” + window.location.pathname );
window.alert(“showsubcat1 func status is NOT 200 , 1st this.readyState, then this.status” + this.readyState + ” ” + this.status );
window.alert(“showsubcat1 func wp_plugin_path ” + “/plugins/wordpress_plugin-master/getsubcat1.php?q=”+myarr[1] );
document.getElementById(“category_id”).value = myarr[1];
document.getElementById(“category_name”).value = myarr[2];“GET”,”../getsubcat1.php?q=”+myarr[1],true);
I wanted to integrate a newsticker from spiegel online into my wordpress blog or widget.
I tried to take it into the html in the blog and tried to take the plugin
“inline javascript” with [inline]script[/inline] too,
but the script doesn’t work.
What I have to do else?
]]>I read many many articles on internet by googling. I also read that its not work because of security purpose of CMS. But not got solution of my problem. All copied codes run on websites. I also read the below link how add javascript in wordpress but fail to success
I post my codes here please please help me. Help will be appreciated
//Codes Start
<script type="text/javascript" src=" <?php get_stylesheet_directory(); ?>/js/test.js"></script>
<IMG SRC="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/soimg.gif" ALIGN="RIGHT" CLASS="cu"
ONCLICK="Showcase();return false" id="camimg" />
<P CLASS="tx"><B CLASS="cu" onclick="Showcase();return false">Showcase</B></P>
<P id="sctxt">View all our products / services as a slide show.</P>
<P CLASS="re"><b onclick="Showcase(); return false" CLASS="cu"><IMG SRC="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/sarr.gif" ALIGN="left">??play now</b></P>
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--
function Showcase() { var"googlebox", "iframe", "<?php get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/showcase.php", "", "width=510px,height=384px,resize=0,scrolling=0,center=1", "recal") } //--><!]]> </SCRIPT>
//Code End
[Please use the code buttons when posting code – as is your code may have been corrupted ]
I want run javascript code when click on showcase title or play title to open new windows. but its not working.
Please Help solve this problem. I need it.. I spent one day to got the solution but fail.
I would like to add some JavaScript code on my word press individual page in script block.
But when i am publishing the page the <script type=”text/JavaScript”> tag is stripped out automatically.
can you help me why this is going on ????????
Thanks in Advance.
Disregard the nggallery on the left. I want to link the swatches to each photo. I want something like this site:
I know the best solution is to do it through CSS. Any help?
]]>This java script shows a submit button after 10sec of page load.
I am facing problem when I try to do same thing in word press. In word press copying the same code will not work, as word press does not allows this.
To do the same thing in word press I saved the above code as load.jsp and uploaded to ftp folder “newfolder” and then included that load.jsp in word press page(by creating a new page) as follows.
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
This is standard to use java script in word press. But I failed to get the desired output. Its doesn’t shows the submit button, which it is supposed to show after 10 sec of the page load.
Any Suggestions
I would be great full.
Thanks & Regards