The JetPack stats in our website dashboard show no stats other than since we re-installed. Online on, however, both duplicate sites have all the same stats. How can we remove the new, duplicate site and re-access our original stats/site?
Of course, this made using the WooCommerce app even worse, as it simply threw back a “duplicate site detected” error and no longer loaded anything.
Sometimes message says the website getting many redirected requests and slowness even though the server memory is a big capacity.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I have 2 websites where I have Jetpack and one of them I have created staging sites many times and keep Jetpack on Safe Mode without any issues.
This week, I created a staging site for the second website, and everything seemed fine. Yesterday, we finished with the staging site, and it was destroyed as we usually do, but the live site is still saying it is on SafeMode. Are there any issues with what site you open first? I usually have the live site opened when I open the staging site, this time around I think I opened the staging site first and then the live, could this have caused an issue? Will the SafeMode connection go away in a little while or is there something I need to do?
The other options that Jetpack offers besides staying on SafeMode (Move Jetpack Data or Treat each site as independent) don’t sound like something I want, and there is no staging site anyway.
Thanks in advance
]]>Any help will appreciate it. Thank you.
]]>I’m trying to connect Jetpack Protect to the cloud on my DEV site that is not connected to the internet. Is it possible to whitelist certain traffic/URLs to my DEV site to allow the connection to Jetpack Protect cloud?
]]>If i give you my login detail and cpanal can you help?
I need jet pack to connecting woo comerce app.
My website is site.
]]>When i click the “Set up Jetpack” button I get the “An error occurred. Please try again.” error
I have disabled all the other plugins and activated the storefront theme, still get the error.
I have checked the XML-RPC file, it is ok
wp?config.php and .htaccess files are standard.
The PHP?XML Extension installed and active
Reinstalling and Reconnecting Jetpack same error
Version 6.4.2
Site Language en_US
User Language en_US
Timezone +00:00
Home URL?
Site URL?
Permalink structure /%postname%/
Is this site using HTTPS? Yes
Is this a multisite? No
Can anyone register on this site? No
Is this site discouraging search engines? No
Default comment status Open
Environment type production
User count 1
Communication with is reachable
Jetpack Diagnostic information:
Jetpack Site ID
Jetpack SSL Verfication Bypass No
Offset between Jetpack server's time and this server's time. 0
Current Jetpack Version Option 12.9:1702583568
Previous Jetpack Version 12.9:1702583568
Jetpack Site Public Private
Jetpack Master User No master user set.
Jetpack Offline Mode off
Current User #1 bsaAdmin
Tokens defined None
Blog Public Key Not set.
User Public Key Not set.
Jetpack Version 12.9
Jetpack Directory /hermes/bosnacweb05/bosnacweb05cd/b827/ipg.michaelmirthmusiccom/beachstreetapothecary/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/
Plan Type free
Server Variable HTTP_HOST
Server Variable SERVER_PORT 443
Server Variable HTTPS on
Server Variable REMOTE_ADDR
Trusted IP false
Full Sync Status {"started":"Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000","finished":"Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000","progress":[],"config":[]}
Sync Queue Size 0
Sync Queue Lag 0 seconds
Full Sync Queue Size 0
Full Sync Queue Lag 0 seconds
IDC URLs {"home":"https:\/\/","siteurl":"https:\/\/","WP_HOME":"","WP_SITEURL":""}
IDC Error Option false
IDC Opt-in 1
Connection Tests All Pass.
Can you help please?
An error occurred. Please try again.
]]>I can’t figure out why there is a problem with my store’s Jetpack connection.
Please assist.