]]>Does your plugin the Jewish calendar ?
]]>Does anyone know how to do this? I found the PHP snippet below, but have no idea how to call it within WordPress so that it would convert the date output with a post to read in the Hebrew year.
Any & all help is appreciated!
Sample code snippet that seems to do what we’re looking for:
$gregorianMonth = date(n);
$gregorianDay = date(j);
$gregorianYear = date(Y);
$jdDate = gregoriantojd($gregorianMonth,$gregorianDay,$gregorianYear);
$hebrewMonthName = jdmonthname($jdDate,4);
$hebrewDate = jdtojewish($jdDate);
list($hebrewMonth, $hebrewDay, $hebrewYear) = split('/',$hebrewDate);
echo "$hebrewDay $hebrewMonthName $hebrewYear";
]]>For some reason, the default theme style appears to be 2 relatively narrow panels, one for text & one for sidebar. That doesn’t work well for someone who writes long posts about politics, art and culture like me. I need more text panel & less open space in the margins (like in most WP themes). I’d urge some theme authors to either modify existing themes for larger text panels or write entirely new themes for people like me.
Oh & while you’re at it couldn’t someone create a theme appropriate for Jewish bloggers containing graphic symbols, archive photos or other documentary material from Jewish life & history? Anyone wishing to do this who needs help finding ideas or material for such a theme should e mail me via my blog.