In the first place this is a great plugin because it is an easy (and as far as i see the only) solution to show images and scroll through images in subfolders (recursive).
I’m building a new website (not public acessible yet) and I see a continues jitter in the image rows. Not on all rows but on some. The website is build with the latest versions of WordPress with Divi.
This issue is showing in Google Chrome. When i open the same page in Edge i do not see any jitter.
Does anyone see the same issue and is there a solution?
Any help would be appreciated.
Regards, Benny.
]]>WP Photo Sphere:
Original photo:
How can I get the original resolution displayed?
]]>Love the features, even though I’m using it very basic-ly. However, I’m having an issue with flickering and flashing.
Occasionally, the images will flicker during fade. It happens to the large background images (sometimes one, sometimes more) or the top layers. I read in the forum here to set a background colour to the images and I’ve done that. Still no effect. Images should be just under 300k, I couldn’t get it to go less without noise.
Flashing also occurs where it looks like a top layer png will shoot in from the left. It’s like the Flash (the super hero).
These are all sporadic, seems to happen more when your cursor is over the slider and there’s a total of 4 slides.
I’m prepared to go pro to make them all clickable but I need this resolved.
The person I’m doing this for is questioning me about it.
p.s. When you click on a slide in a stop that’s not clickable, is it suppose to stop.
]]>I’ve been working on a website for a client and I’m using your plugin for their social links on the left (best plugin of this kind btw!), though it has a jerky movement when scrolling through the page:
Is there any way to fix this? If at all possible I’d like to to appear stationary to browser window the same way that the return to top arrow does on the right-hand side of the page after you’ve scrolled down a bit (or at least smooth it out so it doesn’t jump around).
I’m unable to put it in a widget using the current theme, so floating appears to be my only option.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>However, my client is now requesting that the page loads smoother without the page jump. Currently the page loads with the menu fully expanded and then contracts (in a fraction of a second), this gives a jumping effect. Is there a way to load the menu contracted and expand if needed?
Example of this available at:
I have read lots of unresolved “jumping” posts on stackoverflow and css-tricks in regards to jQuery accordion, is there a resolution for this?
Many thanks!