Soon after updating your plugin to V3.0.3, Wordfence flagged twelve of your plugin’s JS files.
It appears the plugin’s JS files were flagged because your released files do not match those contained in the WP repository (or similar).
Kindly review and update (i.e., fix) your files accordingly.
GTranslate’s functionality is not affected by the above.
Thank you.
]]> infected with JS.DownLoader.5874 infected with JS.DownLoader.5874
]]>how can i exclude JS-Files from Caching?
Thx 4 help
I am using your plugin. However, when I tick the ‘Aggregate JS-files Removed Header’ option it removes my header and menu bar when on mobile.
I saw a similar post and I tried ticking the ‘Add try-catch wrapping?’ option but this did not resolve the issue.
If I don’t have this ticked, my site is incredibly slow so I would love the help.
I installed this plugin and when I activated and placed my js files where they needed to be it worked and I love it. But for some reason, since doing so, my other plugin (modern calendar) doesn’t work properly. The date selection on add event won’t load, I cannot go between months or switch views (monthly/weekly/daily). This are js file controlled (if my logic is correct) so it seems that when I have activated nthe new (this) plugin on my site it overrides the js on Mordern Calendar. Is there a way to stop this happening? I thought that this app adds extra js function to my site rather than override ones already in use.
Sorry if that makes no sense.
Many thanks for any suggestions and help.
]]>Which points to the UM Page at
Is this still required to remove UM styles and scripts from pages that do not have UM content on them?
Also with there being so many scripts and css, I have read several posts where UM devs where planning to optimised those files to help the load on the pages using UM. Has that been done, is there a better way to reduce so many css and script files to run UM?
In the file it has the code;
// Set here IDs of the pages, that use Ultimate Member scripts and styles
$um_posts = array(0);
// Set here URLs of the pages, that use Ultimate Member scripts and styles
$um_urls = array(
Are both required, as in if the pages all exist in the urls, do I still need to add the page id’s, just seems like a double up?
My count is that UM uses 17 js files and 18 css files.
]]>Many thanks in advance for your help.
]]>Thanks for the great plugin and the hosting: I am a happy customer (for 95% of the time). There is one particular thing that I am not happy with, and that is the fact that it seems like this plugin is not combining any JS. Maybe I am wrong, but I can’t get it to work.
Check here:
Check this link to see how it affects my website
As you can see, I am using Snax in combination with SG Optimizer. The issue is that none of the JS files are combined, leading to a big big problem regarding performance.
Is there something I do wrong or is this feature not provided by SG Optimizer? If not, can we expect it anywhere soon?
I read this:
Yet, as you can see in the image provided, I would actually benefit from a JS combining functionality. What to do in this case?