E-mail headers play a GREAT role for most e-mail providers in analyzing whether or not is e-mail spam. One of the things that is often checked is if Sender&From mail domains match the initial sending server’s domain… so…
Reply-to e-mail MUST NOT be used in From: header or for Sender: header.
The headers From: and Sender: should both contain emails in this tructure:
The bug was (before 2.9.2 update) in your plugin in the file handling emails on line 371:
Which is currently:
$headers[] = "From: $reply_to";
But should be:
$headers[] = "From: \"$from_name\" <$from_email>";
There is the same bug at (former?)line 396 …
Thank you for repair in next(hopefuly-in-a-day) update!
The reply-to feature should be there, but it should be strictly separated from Sender header …
Otherwise many e-mail providers will KILL the e-mail on it’s way, that’s right, not just put it in spam folder, they will literally assasinate the e-mail before it arrives…
not sure what’s happened or what I’ve changed, but for some reason any time I use any bracketed HTML tags (tested with strong, em, a href etc. both manually and via code buttons) and then save, preview or post, the post is killed, and it returns to my front page with no sign of it, and no error message.
I’ve tested it, and as long as there is no HTML markup it will save, post etc. as normal. So it’s the tags that are causing the problem.
I’ve disabled all plugins, tested the 2016 theme, reinstalled the folders etc. and it still won’t work. I’ve just enabled multisites so it could be something to do with that, but thinking back I’m 90% sure the problem was happening before that and I just hadn’t realised.
Any ideas about what I should do next to try and fix this?
UPDATE: Oddly, I’ve just checked with adding an image and that tag works. So it doesn’t appear to be all tags.
UPDATE 2: Previous posts that DO have formatting still display correctly. So it’s able to process the post if it’s already in the database, but something’s getting lost as it parses the tags in a new post. If it helps, the site is www.philbetts.com
option_value= 'a:5:{i:0;b:0;s:43:\"wp-maintenance-mode/wp-maintenance-mode.php\";a:2:{i:0;O:17:\"WPMaintenanceMode\":0:{}i:1;s:10:\"del_config\";}s:27:\"wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php\";s:23:\"wpsupercache_deactivate\";s:47:\"google-sitemap-plugin/google-sitemap-plugin.php\";s:23:\"gglstmp_delete_settings\";s:43:\"user-access-manager/user-access-manager.php\";s:26:\"userAccessManagerUninstall\";}' WHERE
option_name` = ‘uninstall_plugins’
2) xxx_wfScanners (eMin, IP, hits) values (floor(unix_timestamp() / 60), ‘995881096’, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY update hits = IF(@wfcurrenthits := hits + 1, hits + 1, hits + 1)
I see this mySQL killed queries in my Cpanel. And because of these two sets of queries I get 508 error (resource limit reached)often.
My question is why first query is generated?
It happens with Wp Supercache activated as well as deactivated.
What is second query all about?
I have wordpress and all plugins (7-8)updated to latest version.
All this started after I migrated to a new host.
My site is arthkaam.com
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
]]>now there s just one error message on my domain
“Warning: debug_backtrace() expects at most 1 parameter, 2 given in /home/tefenmar/public_html/lezizgil.com/wp-content/plugins/p3-profiler/classes/class.p3-profiler.php on line 297
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/tefenmar/public_html/lezizgil.com/wp-content/plugins/p3-profiler/classes/class.p3-profiler.php:297) in /home/tefenmar/public_html/lezizgil.com/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1173
whats this and how ? can solve this matter
]]>I read that you needed to uninstall the entire buddypress plugin from ftp and everything would be fine…I did and my site went blank with no recovery.
I just want to ask if anyone knows how to fix this or reverse the change.
Also I want to warn that if you want use buddypress do your research on it and find out how it works because it is a very unprofessional and poorly developed program that doesn’t really have any liability to the changes it makes.
]]>This is what happened leading up to the event.
I downloaded WordPress Google analytics
put it in appropriate folder
logged into wordpress account
Activated the GA plugin
Decided to activate Super cache also.
After this everything stopped. Nothing works… Absolutely nothing comes up!
I have tried everything I can think of.
I can’t get to the website, none of the public or admin comes up, event when I press back and get onto the cached pages I can’t click onto anything because it takes me to a pblank page, no source code!!!!
Here’s a link:
I’d very much appreciate the help, here’s my email address:
Or feel free to reply to this, I will keep checking it.
Thanks ever so much.
I got over 1000 pages (don’t ask why) on my local setup, and it takes years to get them all listed from the Admin panel > Manage > Pages. On my shared host the process is simply killed because it uses too much resources.
Now… I’ve found this nice “Category Overload” plugin made by Alex King. I’ve tried to find something like that for the Pages, but without success… Does anyone have an idea if a plugin like that alreadyt exist?