The theme is using Jquery 1.4.2 – which is also old, but when I upgrade, it doesn’t fix the issue.
Here’s the code form the Kwicks menu:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/js/jquery.kwicks-1.5.1.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
max : 600,
min : 300,
spacing : 0,
duration: 200
<div id="slidewrap">
<ul class="kwicks horizontal" >
$slidecat = get_option('swt_slide_category');
$slidecount = get_option('swt_slide_count');
$my_query = new WP_Query('category_name= '. $slidecat .'&showposts='.$slidecount.'');
while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();$do_not_duplicate = $post->ID; $x++;
<li id="kwick_<?php echo $x; ?>">
<?php echo $i; ?>
<span class="fadeout"></span>
<span class="fadeout"><p><?php if (function_exists('smart_excerpt')) smart_excerpt(get_the_excerpt(), 60); ?></p></span>
<?php $screen = get_post_meta($post->ID,'slide', true); ?>
<div class="excerpt">
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<img src="<?php echo ($screen); ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" width="650" height="280" />
<?php endwhile; ?>
]]>I just wanted to tell for others and know if it’s well known bug and if there is a solution.
]]>Can someone give some insight into what might be going on here? I have a fairly urgent deadline of Friday (2 days time) so prompt responses would be greatly appreciated.
Slider can be viewed at
Current code:
$.fn.kwicks = function(options) {
var defaults = {
isVertical: false,
sticky: true,
defaultKwick: 0,
event: 'mouseover',
spacing: 0,
duration: 500
var o = $.extend(defaults, options);
var WoH = (o.isVertical ? 'height' : 'width'); // WoH = Width or Height
var LoT = (o.isVertical ? 'top' : 'left'); // LoT = Left or Top
return this.each(function() {
container = $(this);
var kwicks = container.children('li');
/* added by codestar */
var normWoH = (o.width/kwicks.length); // normWoH = Normal Width or Height
if(!o.max) {
o.max = (normWoH * kwicks.size()) - (o.min * (kwicks.size() - 1));
} else {
o.min = ((normWoH * kwicks.size()) - o.max) / (kwicks.size() - 1);
// set width of container ul
if(o.isVertical) {
/* added by codestar */
width : o.width,
height : (normWoH * kwicks.size()) + (o.spacing * (kwicks.size() - 1)) + 'px'
} else {
/* added by codestar */
width : o.width,
height : kwicks.eq(0).css('height')
// pre calculate left or top values for all kwicks but the first and last
// i = index of currently hovered kwick, j = index of kwick we're calculating
var preCalcLoTs = []; // preCalcLoTs = pre-calculated Left or Top's
for(i = 0; i < kwicks.size(); i++) {
preCalcLoTs[i] = [];
// don't need to calculate values for first or last kwick
for(j = 1; j < kwicks.size() - 1; j++) {
if(i == j) {
preCalcLoTs[i][j] = o.isVertical ? j * o.min + (j * o.spacing) : j * o.min + (j * o.spacing);
} else {
preCalcLoTs[i][j] = (j <= i ? (j * o.min) : (j-1) * o.min + o.max) + (j * o.spacing);
// loop through all kwick elements
kwicks.each(function(i) {
var kwick = $(this);
/*kwick.find("img").hide().fadeIn("fast"); // + 10ms */
kwick.find('.kw_title').css({'opacity': 0.5});
// set initial width or height and left or top values
// set first kwick
if(i === 0) {
/* added by codestar */
kwick.css({"left": '0px', width:normWoH});
// set last kwick
else if(i == kwicks.size() - 1) {
/* added by codestar */
kwick.css({'right': '0px', width:normWoH});
// set all other kwicks
else {
if(o.sticky) {
/* added by codestar */
kwick.css({LoT: preCalcLoTs[o.defaultKwick][i], width:normWoH});
} else {
/* added by codestar */
kwick.css({left: (i * normWoH) + (i * o.spacing), width:normWoH});
// correct size in sticky mode
if(o.sticky) {
if(o.defaultKwick == i) {
kwick.css(WoH, o.max + 'px');
} else {
kwick.css(WoH, o.min + 'px');
margin: 0,
position: 'absolute'
/* added by codestar */
function() {
kwick.find(".kw_title").stop().fadeTo(500, 0);
kwick.find(".kw_desc").stop().animate({'opacity':'1', bottom:"0px"},500, "easeOutExpo");
function() {
kwick.find(".kw_title").stop().fadeTo(500, 0.7);
kwick.find(".kw_desc").stop().animate({'opacity':'0', bottom:"-300px"},500, "easeOutExpo");
kwick.bind(o.event, function() {
// calculate previous width or heights and left or top values
var prevWoHs = []; // prevWoHs = previous Widths or Heights
var prevLoTs = []; // prevLoTs = previous Left or Tops
for(j = 0; j < kwicks.size(); j++) {
prevWoHs[j] = kwicks.eq(j).css(WoH).replace(/px/, '');
prevLoTs[j] = kwicks.eq(j).css(LoT).replace(/px/, '');
var aniObj = {};
aniObj[WoH] = o.max;
var maxDif = o.max - prevWoHs[i];
var prevWoHsMaxDifRatio = prevWoHs[i]/maxDif;
kwick.addClass('active').animate(aniObj, {
step: function(now) {
// calculate animation completeness as percentage
var percentage = maxDif != 0 ? now/maxDif - prevWoHsMaxDifRatio : 1;
// adjsut other elements based on percentage
kwicks.each(function(j) {
if(j != i) {
kwicks.eq(j).css(WoH, prevWoHs[j] - ((prevWoHs[j] - o.min) * percentage) + 'px');
if(j > 0 && j < kwicks.size() - 1) { // if not the first or last kwick
kwicks.eq(j).css(LoT, prevLoTs[j] - ((prevLoTs[j] - preCalcLoTs[i][j]) * percentage) + 'px');
duration: o.duration,
easing: o.easing
if(!o.sticky) {
container.bind("mouseleave", function() {
var prevWoHs = [];
var prevLoTs = [];
for(i = 0; i < kwicks.size(); i++) {
prevWoHs[i] = kwicks.eq(i).css(WoH).replace(/px/, '');
prevLoTs[i] = kwicks.eq(i).css(LoT).replace(/px/, '');
var aniObj = {};
aniObj[WoH] = normWoH;
var normDif = normWoH - prevWoHs[0];
kwicks.eq(0).animate(aniObj, {
step: function(now) {
var percentage = normDif != 0 ? (now - prevWoHs[0])/normDif : 1;
for(i = 1; i < kwicks.size(); i++) {
kwicks.eq(i).css(WoH, prevWoHs[i] - ((prevWoHs[i] - normWoH) * percentage) + 'px');
if(i < kwicks.size() - 1) {
kwicks.eq(i).css(LoT, prevLoTs[i] - ((prevLoTs[i] - ((i * normWoH) + (i * o.spacing))) * percentage) + 'px');
duration: o.duration,
easing: o.easing
]]>When I change the js from “sticky: false” to “stick: true” it seems to work but looks distorted – especially on a mac.
Please let me know if more info or code is required.
[closed – continue with: ]
]]>Cant seem to make it work.
Any help really appreciated!
]]>Right now it shows 4 images, or four slices. When the cursor is moved over them, it opens the image up or slides the others over. I would like to have the first image “open” by default and then if the others want to be seen, could move the cursor over them.
I am familiar with html and php but still getting the hang of WordPress.
]]>Just to be clear, I’m referring to the framed area that holds 4 images, starts with all images only partially visible, and then when you mouse over one of them it expands to fill the whole area. In IE8, the framed area has only part of the first image, which does not expand on mouseover, and the rest of the area is black.
Would greatly appreciate help in fixing this bug. Is this a known bug? If so, is it resolved in WP 3.1?
]]>I’ve made my own theme and it has a kwicks menu build in, kwicks works with jquery and it’s own javascript file.
the javascript files for it are in the same directory as the other javascript files that wordpress has.
And the javascript files are called in the header.php file, which in turn is called on every page.
And the menu worked fine..
The problem is, ever since I changed the permalinking to custom and show
/%postname%/ instead of the pageid’s that are generated, the menu stopped working on all pages except for the homepage. (which is just the base url).
Does anyone know what the connection is between these two?
Is the linking to the javascript files different when you change this?
It’s a bit odd since the css files and images for the layout all link correctly, but it seems like the javascript can’t be found for those pages.
Any help would really be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
~ Gerben