But if I try to download it manually, with the link “Retry” the file is available
What can be the problem?
Thank You
]]>Seit gestern (nach Update) folgender Fehler:
?Einige Sprachpakete konnten für die Textdomain real-media-library nicht heruntergeladen werden (Fehler: Not Found, Endpunkt: https://ps.w.org/real-media-library/language-packs/de_DE-53e7723c31d38ba2fffae936265b388d.zip).?
]]>I used “Theme Check” and I got the error “More than one text-domain is being used in this theme.”
I created an rtl.css as recommended at https://developer.www.ads-software.com/themes/advanced-topics/child-themes/, but the warning remains.
I appreciate the help!
]]>I would like to know if there’s a workaround.
]]>This plugin is not properly prepared for localization (View detailed logs on Slack). If you would like to translate this plugin, please contact the author.
I don’t think that’s actually true, and in the logs on slack I can’t find anything either… But it’s possible this just needs a reset.
Either way, if you can request to add me as a plugin translator for nl_NL I will add the Dutch translations, if you prefer a pull request for the po/mo files in github, let me know.
Thanks you so much for this plugin!
]]>I currently ship translations with my plugin. How do I enable language packs?
WordPress ships with a mechanism that gives priority to shipped translations over language packs. If you wish to take advantage of language packs, you must remove the languages from your plugin zip.
However, I don’t find this is 100% accurate. On both of my sites, if both the language pack for a plugin and its own mo/po files are present, the language pack is used instead of the plugin files. I would expect the opposite to happen. Is there something I am doing wrong?
I could see that, deleting the plugin language pack file in wp-content/languages/plugins, the plugin shipped translation is used, but this means that all users who have my plugin and the language pack will never be able to use the shipped translation unless they manual delete the language pack?
Thanks and have a nice day,
This plugin supports the WordPress language packs (= translation files).
If you are willing to become a Project Translation Editor (PTE) for your native language you can contact me and I will arrage this. No strings attached!
If you’re a PTE you are able to translate strings AND approve them as well.
You can find all Very Simple Signup Form locales here.
A language should be 100% translated (and approved) before it’s available. If it reaches 100% you and other users will receive an update notification in WP dashboard.
]]>This plugin supports the WordPress language packs (= translation files).
If you are willing to become a Project Translation Editor (PTE) for your native language you can contact me and I will arrage this. No strings attached!
If you’re a PTE you are able to translate strings AND approve them as well.
You can find all Very Simple Contact Form locales here.
A language should be 100% translated (and approved) before it’s available. If it reaches 100% you and other users will receive an update notification in WP dashboard.
]]>I have removed all translations in version 4.4 so plugin supports the language packs on this website.
It might happen you will loose your translation after updating to version 4.4. Why?
A language should be 100% translated (and approved by a language validator) before it’s available. If it reaches 100% you will receive an update notification in your dashboard. Currently many languages are still not fully approved. I’m sorry for that.
If you still have the original translation (1 po and 1 mo file), you can temporary upload both files into folder /languages located at: wp-content > plugins > very-simple-contact-form