WP: 6.4.3
AIOEC: 3.0.1
PHP: 8.1.27
And yet in the misc. settings of the plugin I have left the option as ‘Disable’ against the label: Post Date Time Change or Removal. This has the following statement…
“You can convert original post date to modified date or remove published date completely.”
How do I get back the original published date on the front end, please?
Thank you.
]]>My child style.css is loading before the offending stylesheets, so using my own !importants is pointless.
I read somewhere that !important in the page head has priority over all stylesheets, but I’m not keen on doing that. I want to keep everything in style.css.
For now I must dequeue each offending file, copy its contents into a new stylesheet file in my child theme and enqueue that. Sure, it works, but I keep running into new files that override my work. Also, the likelihood that a theme or plugin dev will make changes in an update that will break my styles is increased doing it this way. Devs putting that !important crap everywhere is so aggravating.
I could find no solutions to this via much Googling. I tried some array schemes and enqueue loops; no joy. I looked through the WP enqueue docs as well. Registering and deregistering are not helping, and obviously I only want to modify certain css, not mass remove the originals. I’m sure this must be easy, and I must be doing something stupid simple wrong, but I’m stumped.
Does anyone have a functions snippet that actually forces the child style.css to load LAST, after parent, after plugins, after everything?
]]>I have a pre-form to booking the tour, but after the space of the name it write the surname (billing last name) in his field.
Is it possible with a function write billing_first_name (space) billing_last_name
in billing first name, please?
Thank you, have a great day
]]>We do the central hosting for 30 WordPress sites with local webmasters who can manage their own site, content en plugins. We used a plugin “Site Last Modified”, but it has been removed from www.ads-software.com. So we are looking for a new alternative. We simply want only the Last Modified date from a site in the footer of the site, for instance as a Widget or a variable. The last date from the posts and the pages together.
Your plugin/widget List Last Changes comes close to that!
You still have an option to show or hide the author.
Can you also make an option to show or hide the pagetitle?
So the local webmaster can choose if they only want to show the Last Modified Date (Number=1) or show some more data.
There is another alternative, the plugin WP Last Modified Info (active installations 20.000+), who can do it. But it has so much more options we do not use, so it is more difficult for our webmasters. Your widget is just simple to use and to explaine to our local webmasters!
Kind regards,
Richard de Boer
I was very happy I found and installed it.
Strong, thank you.
First let me praise you for your work / plugin and all the stuffs and options that you created, really really nice for users like me.
Of course there are some things that do not work 100%, mainly I suppose because of the environment (so many plugins, differents versions ,…) but still I can recognize the hard work and the time you dedicate to support your users. I think it was important for me to mention.
Now, I have a question for you also : is it possible to display the last added files ? I mean we have now statsaway, but this only displays the most downloaded document, and it doesn’t make the difference / filter between the base directories.
In my situation, I must manage an intranet in 2 languages. So I created one base directory for each language (and it works like a charm for fileaway shortcodes, but I would like my users to see a summary of the last added files in the home page. Now the situation is that it displays the most downloaded files, and it doesn’t filter on language.
So my requests are : is it possible ot get the last added files ? is it possible to filter on base directory ?
Do you think it’s possible ? Can you help me on that ?
And trust me, if you create an even more complete version of fileaway with a buy option, I’ll buy it right away.
We have ypour plugin working in or page since long time ago
Yesteday we have faced lots of issues on your page caused by this module (Images aren′t loading, Footer of page gives fatal error, etc…)
We have solved that deactivating your plugin, but the problem is that all the videos we heve configured within your plugin do not show now
Please could you check out whats going wrong with your plugin? Before yesterday (4TH November of 2019) the plugin was running well with no errors, so we give you that date as an idicator to check out what the problems are.
We wait your answer
Kind Regards