I have tried most things from deactivating all other plugins to deleting .htaccess, checking then reinstalling. All that did was give a 404 error rather than the fatal error shown above.
I would really appreciate some help and guidance please.
]]>I have reached out to Leadpages, theme support, RankMath – all say they aren’t responsible for how the search results appear. We do not use any plugins that specifically affect the search results.
Has anyone else had this issue? Any advice? I am currently looking through search plugins that might help me resolve this issue.
]]>However, I have several other friends who are using my exact same set up: WordPress, WooCommerce, Stripe, and LeadPages, and none of them are having troubles. Everyone is using all of the software/platforms together with no problem. Has this happened to you? Recently? What can I do to fix/troubleshoot this?
]]>With WooCommerce active: if I activate all three I get errors (blank page) on the WooCommerce admin pages that I cannot interpret.
If I deactivate Mollie the admin pages are accessible.
If I deactivate Leadpages and Mollie is active the admin pages are also accessible.
Since LeadPages is not a small player, I hope you can help me out?
]]>I have ran the pop up on just my homepage of my website and it works fine so the issue is the pop up being displayed on the selected lead page. I’m not really sure what else to try. Can someone please help?
]]>Their suggestion was to contact wordpress support. Please see error below:
Is there any way to make Genesis eNews Extended stop stripping out the leadbox code? If it’s not possible I’m going to have to remove this plugin and use a standard styled text widget, which I’d rather not do. :/